A disabled child who does not qualify for SSI cash assistance due to parental income or resources may be eligible for Medicaid based on the child's own income and resources. Children in this category are often called TEFRA kids (named after the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act, P.L. 97-248 that authorized this eligibility category). The LTC Unit processes this specialized eligibility category.
Eligibility is subject to all of the following conditions:
child must be under 19 years of age. When a child is turning 18 years
old, they must be referred to apply for SSI .
The child
must meet the disability criteria for SSI
eligibility, meaning that disability has been determined by the Disability
Determination Service (DDS ).
The child would be eligible for Medicaid if institutionalized, under the Special LTC Income Standard listed in Addendum 1 and using the $2,000 APA -related resource limit. This eligibility category generally follows provisions in the APA Manual.
Only the income and resources of the TEFRA child are countable. Child support received on behalf of a TEFRA child is countable income to the child.
Coverdell funds are not a countable resource for the account beneficiary (usually the disabled child).
529 plans (also known as a Qualified Tuition Program) are a countable resource for the account owner (usually the parent), but are not a countable resource for the account beneficiary (usually the disabled child).
accounts are not countable income or resources to the minor. However,
if funds from these accounts are used to support the minor, they are
counted as income in the month of receipt and as a resource the following
The child resides at home, not in a residential care setting. Temporary absence from the home is allowable. Children are not eligible for TEFRA while living in an institution.
While home is not restricted to living with the child's parents, in almost
all cases a child not living with parents will be eligible for Medicaid
under a less restrictive category of Medicaid, such as MAGI Medicaid. These children
should not be evaluated for TEFRA
unless a change in circumstance is anticipated in the near future.
The child meets one of the following
level of care (LOC )
The department contracts with Comagine Health to determine or facilitate the determination of the appropriate level of care.
The child is deemed appropriate to receive necessary medical care outside of that institution, as indicated on a Support Plan approved by Comagine Health.
The estimated cost of care (COC ) for services rendered in the home must be less than the cost of institutionalization, as determined by Comagine Health. This process is referred to as cost neutrality.
The DPA caseworker is responsible for ensuring that the applicant meets criteria 1 through 4 above and all other Medicaid program requirements
Comagine Health is responsible for ensuring that an applicant meets criteria 5 through 7 above, which are referred to as the TEFRA medical/cost criteria.
The caseworker must make sure that Comagine Health has approved the applicant and the DDS has determined disability before the child is authorized for Medicaid under this eligibility category.
Children in this category are eligible for all regular Medicaid services, but they do not receive home and community-based (HCB ) waiver services.
When a child is eligible for another category of Medicaid, such as SSI or MAGI , and has been determined to meet one of the three LOC categories, the case is referred to as a deferred TEFRA case. It is important that parents are given a choice of the category of Medicaid they wish their child to receive. Take the following steps for a potential deferred TEFRA case and current cases:
1. SSI Children
When SSI
starts, the case must be converted to an SSI
Medicaid case with the DC-54 MERE
Comagine Health must be notified that
the TEFRA case has
been changed to an SSI
Medicaid case and advised to close the Comagine Health case. Comagine Health can be emailed at
the LOC renewal date
and set an alert that this was a former TEFRA
The SSI case is then transferred to the appropriate local office.
If the child's SSI benefit stops, the caseworker must evaluate the child's eligibility for MAGI Medicaid, TEFRA , and a Continuous Eligibility Period (CEP).
If there is no MAGI Medicaid, TEFRA , or a CEP , the case must be closed and a new application is required.
If there is eligibility for MAGI Medicaid but not TEFRA , open the MAGI Medicaid case and let the parents know that they can pursue TEFRA if they wish.
If there is no eligibility for MAGI or TEFRA but the child has a CEP , the Medicaid case will continue until the CEP ends. The case should be referred to the LTC unit to determine TEFRA eligibility. In order for TEFRA case to be opened, the case must meet the LOC and disability diary date requirements. The LTC unit will work with the parents and Comagine Health. LTC unit will check the LOC and email Comagine Health at AKTefra-Waiver@Qualishealth.org to reopen the LOC case if there is a current LOC in place. If there is no LOC, the TEFRA case will be pended for LOC to be determined. The LTC unit will check the disability diary date. If there is no disability diary date, the case must be pended for a disability determination.
With every TEFRA application, the TEFRA caseworker must screen for potential MAGI Medicaid eligibility. If there appears to be MAGI eligibility, the family should be notified of this and be allowed to pursue this coverage. The family should be advised that there may be a lapse in coverage after MAGI ends while pursuing TEFRA eligibility. Parents should be offered the opportunity to pursue TEFRA and maintain TEFRA eligibility as a backup. If the parent chooses to pursue TEFRA :
Register a new case with the child as PI;
Pursue a disability
the child for a LOC
determination by Comagine Health; and
If LOC and disability are approved, the parent must be contacted and given the choice of having the TEFRA case opened or maintaining the child's Medicaid eligibility within MAGI . If the parent opts to continue eligibility with MAGI , the TEFRA caseworker will close the TEFRA case and document eligibility via MAGI .
If MAGI closes for earned income or failure to renew, the MAGI caseworker should notify the LTC Unit to review TEFRA eligibility and take the following actions:
If both LOC and disability status are current,
open the TEFRA case
and notify Comagine Health that the case is now open and to reactivate
the case in the Comagine system.
If LOC or disability status has lapsed, pend the TEFRA case for current disability approval and LOC .
The EIS case notes and alert system must clearly indicate which child is the TEFRA eligible child in the home.
Children may go between their home and inpatient treatment. This happens most often with the IPH -LOC .
TEFRA Recipients
If a TEFRA child enters an inpatient facility the caseworker must contact the family to determine the anticipated length of stay. If the stay will be for more than six months, Comagine Health must be notified to close the LOC case.
If the stay is expected to last more than 30 days, convert the case to a child only MAGI case and transfer the case to the appropriate local office.
When the child is ready to return home, the MAGI caseworker must notify the LTC Unit. The LTC Unit must review LOC and disability status for TEFRA eligibility. If disability and LOC are not current, the LTC Unit must initiate the process for both.
New Applications and Institutionalized Children
A TEFRA application may be received at the same time that the family is pursuing inpatient care for their child. If the child is institutionalized prior to TEFRA eligibility being established and the stay is anticipated to be greater than 30 days, take the following actions:
a child only MAGI
case and transfer the case to the appropriate local office;
an alert and case note alerting the MAGI worker that
this is a potential TEFRA
child; and
Notify the family to contact their care coordinator, the LTC Unit, and Comagine Health when a discharge date is determined so the TEFRA process can be initiated prior to the child's return.
A new application is
not needed to go between one category of Medicaid and another. Caseworkers must use the alert and
case note system to identify these children and make appropriate referrals
to maintain coverage and ensure there are no breaks in service.
Communication is essential to ensure a quick and timely determination. The agencies and individuals involved in a TEFRA Medicaid eligibility decision and their roles are outlined below.
1. Comagine
is responsible for:
families to care coordination agencies and the LTC Unit;
Working closely
with care coordinators regarding the medical eligibility decision
and required paperwork;
Making NF -LOC and IPH -LOC review determinations, including notifying care coordinators and families of the annual LOC renewal requirement;
2. The Care Coordination Agency is responsible for:
the Support Plan and COC
for ICF/IDD -LOC cases and working with DSDS in the development and
completion of the Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP)
assessment packet;
Submitting all necessary information
to Comagine Health and DSDS
to parents that they must complete a DPA
application with a referral to the appropriate DPA
office; and
Contacting parents when the annual LOC reassessment is due.
TEFRA care coordinators
only receive payment for screening, initial assessment, and yearly reassessment
for LOC and the Support
Plan. TEFRA does
not pay for monthly care coordination.
3. The Disability Determination Service (DDS) is responsible for:
the disability determination process upon receiving the disability
packet from the DPA caseworker;
Determining if a child is disabled using Social Security Administration criteria.
It is beneficial to include copies of relevant medical, psychological, and developmental information in the DDS packet in order to speed up the disability process. This may include Infant Learning assessments, Individual Education Plans, current medical records (from within the past year), counseling reports, etc. See APA Manual Section 425-3(C) and Administrative Procedures Manual Section 115-9 for policy and procedures on disability determinations.
If the
DDS decision
is a denial of disability, the DPA TEFRA /Specialized
Medicaid PAA will
issue a closure letter to the parent(s).
4. DPA is responsible for:
Sending the TEFRA welcome letter (MED 16) and TEFRA Medicaid for Disabled Children at Home brochure (MED 15) to the parent or guardian whenever an application is received for TEFRA Medicaid. This must be documented in a CANO .
The MED 16 is not the same welcome letter that Comagine Health sends the
child’s parent, as described in section 533-D(2).
the Medicaid eligibility determination;
the disability packet to DDS
for initial applications, tracking disability review dates, and submitting
a disability review at the applicable time;
referrals to Comagine Health with the GEN 140B
form once the family has interviewed;
Pending the application until all factors of eligibility are met. TEFRA applications must be approved or denied within 90 days. Follow the procedures below:
If the LOC decision is missing, notify Comagine Health and request a LOC update. If LOC has not been determined and it appears the decision may go past 90 days, contact the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA. The DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA will work with Comagine Health to determine the appropriate action. The LTC Unit will be notified of status.
If the DDS decision is missing, contact DDS and request an update on the disability decision. If a disability decision has not been determined and it appears the decision may go past 90 days, contact the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA. The DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA will work with DDS to determine the appropriate action. The LTC Unit will be notified of status.
to the 90-day Processing Time Frame for Initial Applications:
Refer requests for extensions
to the
DPA TEFRA /Specialized
Medicaid PAA. When an extension is needed
90 days after date of initial application, the person making the request
will need to provide the reason(s) for the extension. Extensions
will only be approved when the parent submits a written request stating
the reason for the extension and acknowledging and accepting the delay
in processing. Although not required, they
may use the Initial Application Extension Request form (MED 36) to make
the request.
the final approval or denial of TEFRA Medicaid in EIS .
The DPA TEFRA /Specialized
Medicaid PAA will send the denial notice;
Issuing disability
exam coupons if the child needs additional assessments;
Issuing assessment
coupons for the care coordinator; and
Communicating with
Comagine Health any changes in status, including:
5. The Division of Senior and Disabilities Services (DSDS ) is responsible for:
Certifying all care coordinators including TEFRA care coordinators.
The same regulations are used to determine level of care for IDD waivers that are used for ICF/IDD assessments for TEFRA . If a child is approved
LOC for TEFRA but denied LOC
for HCB services, the
TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid
must be contacted immediately.
An initial application can come in the following forms:
MED 4 application or referral from denied MAGI Medicaid application. If a MED 4 application is submitted or a referral from a denied MAGI Medicaid case is received, send notice M320-Information Needed TEFRA;
Referral from MAGI Medicaid when there is no MAGI Medicaid eligibility and the application includes a disabled child.
If the TEFRA process starts from a denied or closed MAGI case, send notice M322-Pend TEFRA Disabled Child Denied DKC Denali KidCare. The family is allowed 15 days to:
Contact Comagine Health to be connected
with a care coordinator for TEFRA
and begin the LOC
assessment process;
the MED1,
and any accompanying medical information for a disability determination;
Complete an interview.
The caseworker must follow procedure outlined in ADLTC MS 533 C(4)
There is currently no ability to qualify for retroactive TEFRA Medicaid as Alaska does not have
a provider that can determine the required retroactive level of care.
2. Actions for NF -LOC and IPH -LOC
After receiving a referral from DPA by the receipt of the GEN 140B, Comagine Health will send the child's parent or guardian a welcome letter and ask the parent to contact Comagine Health within 30 days for care coordinator referrals. This letter also instructs the parent to contact the Division of Public Assistance if needed.
If the parent contacts a care coordinator and begins the TEFRA assessment process, Comagine Health will:
applications and make appropriate referrals to DSDS
(refer to the step below for further ICF/IDD
processing) and track the
process to ensure the care coordinator provides a completed assessment
for ICF/IDD -LOC , completed COC ,
and completed Support Plan within required timeframes. The
care coordinators failure to provide these documents will result in
Track the process to ensure the care coordinator provides a completed assessment for NF -LOC or IPH -LOC , completed COC , and a completed Support Plan within required timeframes . The care coordinators failure to provide these documents within timeframes will result in denial.
If the care coordinator follows through and provides all documentation in the required timeframes, Comagine Health will make a LOC decision and notify the DPA of approval or denial.
If LOC is denied, Comagine Health notifies the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA with the following information:
Name of child,
The child's care coordinator, and
Rationale for denial.
The DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA issues the denial letter and sends a copy to the LTC Unit. The LTC Unit completes all actions in EIS .
If an application for ICF/IDD -LOC is received, Comagine Health will make a referral and provide the following information to DSDS for all new applications and ICF/IDD renewals:
Child's name, date of birth, and
SDS ID number;
Date required for LOC determination to meet DPA timeframes; and
Care Coordination agency and main contact person.
After this initial referral, the following steps occur:
Step 1:
DSDS sends the care coordinator an email requesting the ICF/IDD LOC packet be forwarded to DSDS .
Step 2:
The care coordinator has 30 days to send the ICAP packet to DSDS .
If DSDS receives all documentation and determines the child does not meet LOC , DSDS notifies Comagine Health that LOC is denied and provides the reason(s) for the denial. Comagine health notifies the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA who then issues the denial letter to the parent and notifies the LTC Unit of the denial. The LTC Unit must close or deny the TEFRA Medicaid case in EIS.
Step 3:
The care coordinator will contact DSDS if there is difficulty completing the ICF/IDD LOC packet within the 30-day period and explain any problems being encountered. If an extension is needed, DSDS will refer the care coordinator to Comagine Health. Comagine Health will work with the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA to provide guidance in completing the ICF /IDD LOC packet.
Step 4:
DSDS will notify Comagine Health with the results of the ICF/IDD LOC determination. If the LOC determination results in an approval, Comagine Health will notify the care coordinator, DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA and LTC Unit of the approval.
If the ICF/IDD LOC determination results in a denial, the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA will:
4. Getting Adequate Documentation For ICF/IDD LOC Processing
The ICF/IDD LOC determination may require information that is not readily available such as a current I.Q. test or psychological evaluation.
The care coordinator will assist new applicants in scheduling an appointment with a Medicaid provider. After the appointment is scheduled, the parent must contact the LTC Unit and request a disability exam coupon (DE 25) for the month the appointment is scheduled.
The care coordinator will assist current TEFRA recipients in scheduling an appointment with a Medicaid provider. The evaluation or testing will be billed to Medicaid.
Each TEFRA recipient is subject to the following reviews:
The LOC , DSDS , and DPA
review dates often occur at different times during the eligibility period.
If an LOC or DSDS denial occurs in the middle of
an ongoing eligibility period, the caseworker must review for twelve-month
continuous eligibility before closing the case. Refer to Section 515 for policy on continuous eligibility.
1. DPA Reviews
At the time of review, the DPA caseworker must:
If LOC , disability, and the child's income and resources are within APA standards, approve the Medicaid case.
If LOC is not current, contact Comagine Health for current status, and take the following actions:
If LOC has been denied the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA will send the denial notice and inform the LTC Unit to close the Medicaid case; or
If the parent failed to complete LOC reassessment, the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA will send the denial notice and inform the LTC Unit to close the Medicaid case; or
If LOC has not been renewed, but it is determined that there were extenuating circumstances and the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA has approved an extension, approve Medicaid. If there is no extension in place, contact the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA to determine the appropriate action.
If a DPA review is denied for any reason, including failure to renew, notify Comagine Health and the care coordinator of the case closure.
If the DDS review is due, assume continued disability until a new decision is received (see below).
2. DDS Review Processing
When a DDS file is returned with an approved disability decision, document this in the case notes (CANO ) and set an alert (ETAL ) with a due date 60 days prior to the next disability review.
When a child is due for a disability review, send the parent the MED1 and MED2 forms and EIS notice M025, Disability Review Needed, requesting these forms be returned with current medical information within 30 days. The notice must explain that failure to respond to this request will result in case closure.
The TEFRA Medicaid case remains open until a new DDS decision is received, unless the LOC is denied or the parent fails to renew while waiting for a new DDS decision.
the DDS decision
is an approval, document the new Continued Disability Review (CDR)
date in the CANO .
If the DDS decision is denial of disability, provide a copy of the denial to the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA. The DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA will issue a closure letter to the parent, the care coordinator, Comagine Health, DSDS and Department of Law. The LTC unit will close the TEFRA Medicaid case in EIS before case closure, check for twelve-month continuous eligibility. See Section 515 for policy on continuous eligibility.
3. LOC Renewal Process
Comagine Health has the primary responsibility for tracking all LOC renewal dates for all three LOC standards. Comagine Health will maintain a database of open TEFRA Medicaid cases. The database will include the LOC , current renewal date, and other identifying information.
Comagine Health will send a letter 90 days prior to the month the renewal is due notifying the care coordinator that a child's LOC is due and request renewal paperwork. When the care coordinator submits the Support Plan, COC , and LOC documentation, Comagine Health will approve or deny continued LOC. Comagine Health will email the DPA caseworker with the approval decision for the caseworker to take appropriate action. Comagine Health will email the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA with the denial decision. The DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA will send the denial notice and notify the LTC Unit to close the Medicaid case.
Ninety (90) days prior to the month of renewal, Comagine Health will make a referral to DSDS for an ICF/IDD LOC determination. Comagine Health will also notify the care coordinator indicating that an ICF/IDD LOC referral has been made.
When the ICF/IDD LOC determination is completed and a LOC decision rendered, DSDS will forward the results to Comagine Health. Comagine Health will review COC and Support Plan status and notify DPA of LOC determination. If the child does not meet LOC , the DPA TEFRA /Specialized Medicaid PAA will issue a closure letter to the parent. The LTC Unit will take appropriate action to close the TEFRA Medicaid case in EIS .
DK |
11 |
Pregnant Woman |
54 |
SSI Child/Med Only |