For actions taken on a new application, adequate notice must be given or mailed to the applicant by the workday following the day that the Senior Benefits worker makes the eligibility determination.
For all other actions, adequate notice must be given or mailed no later than the workday following the date the action is taken or the date the action becomes effective, whichever is later. Adequate notice must be provided in the following situations:
- Action taken on a new application.
- Action taken that is not an adverse action, such as an increase in benefits.
- Action to close a case because of the confirmed death of the recipient.
- Action to close a case because a recipient enters an ineligible institution, such as a jail or a nursing home.
- Action to issue a supplemental benefit to correct a previous underpayment or to issue retroactive benefits.
- Action to close a case because of the recipient's request for closure.
- Action to close a case for loss of contact.