310-3           VERIFICATION


Certain factors of eligibility must be verified to determine if an individual is eligible for Senior Benefits.




Gross countable income requires documentary or third party verification.


Unless questionable, the caseworker will accept the individual's statement(s) regarding the following factors of eligibility:






Questionable information is unclear or inconsistent information that contradicts a previous application, written or oral statements made by the applicant, or other information received by the agency.  Any information that the caseworker determines to be questionable must be verified if it will affect the individual's eligibility for Senior Benefits.


Reasonable judgment will be used to determine what other verification is necessary to establish eligibility.  Verification can be obtained through documents, the Eligibility Information System (EIS), on-line system interfaces (excluding SOLQ), or contacts with third parties, and can be used to establish the accuracy of information stated on the application or provided by the household.




The applicant or recipient has the primary responsibility for providing documentary evidence to support statements made, and to resolve any questionable information.  However, if the caseworker can obtain the needed evidence more easily or more quickly than the applicant or recipient, they should do so.  There is no need for the applicant or recipient to provide proof of information that can be gathered through available Data Systems and EIS interfaces. 




Information from Data Systems and EIS(Eligibility Information System) Interfaces


Several data systems and computer interfaces are available through the Internet and on-line EIS(Eligibility Information System) access.  Some interfaces must be checked at each application and recertification as part of the verification process.  Others only need to be checked if questionable or if certain conditions apply.


a.  Interfaces That Must Be Checked

Interface Information Verified When To Check
Instant Eligibility Verification System (IEVS)
  • Provides information that may indicate questionable eligibility
At each application, review, and when adding a spouse.

Department of Labor (DOL)  Unemployment


  • SAM
  • Unemployment Insurance Benefits
  • Unreported employment
At each application and review.



  • #9 on INME for EIS
  • Social Security Information
At each application and review.

Department of Labor (DOL)

Quarterly Wage


  • In IEVS
  • Employment history through quarterly wage match
At each application and review.


  • Child Support collections
  • Child Support disbursements
  • Legal obligation to pay child support
At each application and review.

#13 on INME for EIS
  • Social Security Information, including quarters of work
  • Death Match
  • Prisoner Match
At each application and redetermination.                    * Death match alerts that are generated during the certification period must be processed within 10 days.


b.  Interfaces That Are Checked if Questionable of Under Certain Conditions


Interface Information Verified When To Check


  • #15 on INME
  • SSA payments
At each application and review only if it appears the applicant or recipient could be eligible for Social Security benefits.


  • In IEVS
  • Qualified alien status of household members who are not U.S. citizens
This verification is only required for each alien at initial application and whenever an alien is added to a household.




The SOLQ interface may be used only to determine eligibility for the Alaska Temporary Assistance, SNAP, Medicaid, and Adult Public Assistance programs.


In some situations, the information will be from the source and can be used as verification.  In other situations, the caseworker must follow-up on the information.



The caseworker checks the interfaces and data systems for the two members of an applicant household.  The Department of Labor system shows one is currently receiving unemployment benefits of $120 weekly.  This information is used as income verification since the information is directly from the source of income.  The caseworker also finds that the other applicant had earnings listed for the prior quarter.  The caseworker contacts the household to determine if the person is still working and, if so, requests verification of wages.  If the person is not working, the caseworker asks why the job ended to find out if there was a recent job quit.


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2022-03 (12/22)