Social Security enumeration is a requirement for Medicaid eligibility. To meet this requirement, an applicant must provide a social security number (SSN) for each individual in the household for whom benefits are desired. If an individual does not have an SSNSocial Security Number, the individual must apply for one.



•  Social security enumeration is not required for children that are receiving Newborn Medicaid (see MS 816-1 A); or

•  Illegal aliens needing treatment of an emergency medical condition (see MS 831).


There are some classes of aliens for whom the Social Security Administration will not normally issue an SSNSocial Security Number, even though they are qualified aliens, unless they are required by law to have an SSNSocial Security Number as a condition of receiving federally funded benefits. If this is the case for an applicant who is otherwise eligible for Medicaid, the caseworker must send a letter to the SSASocial Security Administration explaining the need for an SSNSocial Security Number for the purpose of qualifying for Medicaid. 



810 A.     NEW SSNSocial Security Number


If applying for an SSNSocial Security Number for the first time, the individual can apply through an SSASocial Security Administration office.


SSASocial Security Administration will send the individual a “Receipt of Application for an SSNSocial Security Number” form verifying that an application has been submitted.


Parents may also apply for a newborn’s SSNSocial Security Number through the Bureau of Vital Statistics “Enumeration at Birth Program.” The hospital will give the parent(s) an SSASocial Security Administration -2853 form, "Information About When You Will Receive Your Baby’s Social Security Card,” which certifies that a Social Security number was requested for the baby.




Social Security Number: A SSNSocial Security Number does not need to be verified unless it is questionable.


Application for SSNSocial Security Number: Accept the individual’s statement that he or she has applied for a SSNSocial Security Number with the SSASocial Security Administration. If questionable, request the individual to provide the receipt once it is received from SSASocial Security Administration. Instruct the individual to report the SSNSocial Security Number once the SSNSocial Security Number is received from SSASocial Security Administration.


Enumeration at Birth: Babies born in Alaska are presumed to be enumerated at birth. No verification of this is required initially, as the household needs to apply for a SSNSocial Security Number after the child's birth. The social security number, or proof of application for an SSNSocial Security Number, will be required at the next renewal or application.





Each individual of the household must have or apply for a social security number for Medicaid eligibility. If an individual is found to be eligible for Medicaid in every respect except for the enumeration requirement and the applicant refuses to cooperate fully in providing a number or proof of application for a number, the individual without the SSNSocial Security Number is not eligible for Medicaid.


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MC #24 (04/24)