804               RIGHT TO FAIR HEARING


Medicaid applicants and recipients who are affected by an adverse action on their case, taken by the DPADivision of Public Assistance, may be entitled to a fair hearing. The request may be made to any employee of DPADivision of Public Assistance in writing, by telephone, via mail and in person. DPADivision of Public Assistance may also receive a request for a Fair Hearing through the FFMFederally Facilitated Marketplace. Requests through the FFMFederally Facilitated Marketplace are monitored by the Contracted Service Quality Assurance Unit (CSQA).


In addition, Medicaid recipients who are denied coverage of a specific medical need, including nursing home care by the DHCSDivision of Health Care Services, may be entitled to a fair hearing.


For fair hearing availability, policies, and procedures, see Administrative Procedures Manual Section 117.





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MC #12 (04/20)