6.1.8 Critical Review

(Revision. 8/1/21)


AS 1265.130 State child fatality review team duties

AS 47.10 Children in Need of Aid



To provide procedures to staff in regards to critical incidents and how they will be processed. Critical incidents include child fatalities or near fatalities that have an open case in initial assessment, family services, or have a screened protective services report within the past 3 years.


Background Information:Background Information:

  1. The state child fatality review team shall;

    1. Assist the state medical examiner in determining the cause and manner of the deaths in this state of children under 18 years of age;

    2. Unless the child's death is currently being investigated by a law enforcement agency, review a report of a death of a child within 48 hours of the report being received by the medical examiner if:

      1. the death is of a child under 10 years of age;

      2. the deceased child, a sibling, or a member of the deceased child's household

        1. is in the legal or physical custody of the state under AS 47 or under similar custody of another state or political subdivision of a state; or

        2. has been the subject of a report of harm under AS 47.17 or a child abuse or neglect assessment by the Department of Family and Community Services or by a similar child protective service in this or another state.

    3. A protective order under AS 18.66.100 or 18.66.110 has been in effect during the previous year in which the petitioner or respondent was a member of the deceased child's immediate family or household; or

    4. The child's death occurred in a mental health institution, mental health treatment facility, foster home, or other residential or child care facility, including a day care facility.


  1. The Commissioner’s office of the Department of Family and Community Services must be notified of CPS case situations of all fatalities or near fatalities (see definition in glossary) alleged to be due to abuse or neglect where the Department has prior involvement when:

    1. The child is currently the subject of a report of harm under AS 47.17, an investigation pursuant to AS 47.17 is currently pending, or the child was in the department’s custody at any time during the twelve months preceding the fatality or Near Fatality; or

    2. An initial assessment pursuant to AS 47.17 was completed in regard to the child or caretaker, regardless of the disposition of the initial assessment, within six months preceding the reported fatality or near fatality.

  2. Any OCS staff member will immediately notify their immediate supervisor. With support from their PS Specialist IV the OCS staff member will complete and Incident Report Form and email a copy to the Protective Services Manager (PSM) II (or designee).

  3. Upon receipt of reciving notification of any child fatality or near fatality, the Director will notify the Commissioner's Office and Department of law. 

This policy section has been updated by Program Instructions: PI 21-05 Incident Reports and 23-03 Critical Incident Debriefing