2.7.2 Family Services Assessment: Case Planning with Parents

(Revision. 7/1/18)


AS 47.10 Children in Need of Aid

42 U.S.C. 675 Definitions (Title IV-E)

25 U.S.C. 1901-1923 Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA) (P. L. 95-608)

45 CFR 1356.21(g) Case Plan Requirements



To provide a structured approach for engaging and involving parents/guardians/custodians in their case planning process that is known as the Family Services Assessment (FSA).


Background Informaiton:Background Informaiton: 

Federal Law: 

  1. A case plan must be developed within 60 days of when a child is removed from home.

  2. The case plan must be developed jointly with the parent(s) or guardian of the child in foster care.

The required elements of case plans are addressed in the Background Information subsection of the CPS Manual section 2.9.1 A Framework for Essential Case Planning.



  1. OCS will develop a case plan, using the Family Services Assessment (FSA) process, for each parent, legal guardian, or Indian Custodian who is subject to an open OCS Family Services case, with or without custody, in home or out of home.

  2. The agency will work with the parent/guardian/custodian individually in developing their own case plan. Tribal representatives will be included when applicable in the initial and ongoing development of the case plan.

  3. Each case plan will be written using language that the parent/guardian/custodian can understand and include services they request to meet their identified needs.

    1. The needs assessment for each individual will include an exploration of the five Protective Factors: parental resilience, concrete supports in times of need, social connections, knowledge of parenting and child development and social and emotional competence of children; and

    2. The identification of desired services will include an exploration of the available traditional wellness practices, cultural activities and Tribal services (see the Cultural Resources for Alaska Families guide located in Statewide Forms folder).

  4. Case plans will be created and distributed to all appropriate parties within 60 days of assuming custody. For Family Services cases without custody, case plans will be created and distributed to all appropriate parties within 30 days of opening the case for services or no later than 30 days from the case transfer date.

  5. The case plan evaluation process will occur every six months after development of the case plan, and when a significant change occurs with the family that would require a case plan evaluation.