If the client moves from one community to another and the client will need to be assigned to another WSWork Services provider, the following steps will occur:


  1. Confirm that the new address and/or lease agreement have been reported to DPA;

  2. Finalize any notes including a transfer summary;
  3. Prepare file for transfer through a secure and trackable shipping method;
  4. The receiving WSPWork Services Provider will confirm receipt of file via email to the outgoing WSPWork Services Provider. The receiving WSPWork Services Provider is responsible for changing the CARCCase Assignment Record Control and engaging the client within 3 business days of receiving the file.


1018-5 B.      CASE TRANSFER


It is the responsibility of the transferring office to ensure that the following steps are completed when transferring a case:


  1. A designated supervisor, lead worker, or experienced case manager reviews the file to ensure all required file and electronic documentation is complete;
  2. A thorough transfer summary is entered in a CLNOClient Notes, describing at a minimum the services provided, successes, challenges, strategies, partner agency involvement, and recommendations;
  3. The new provider's agency name and address is confirmed and the hard copy file is sent by the certified and tracked mail; and,
  4. The method of transfer is documented in CMSCase Management System. The tracking number must be entered into a CLNOClient Notes.




All clients assigned to a provider on the date of the Participation Report will be included in the prior month's performance calculation regardless of any dates of referral or transfer.



Client T. Jones moves from Fairbanks to Wasilla on April 22. The case is officially CARCCase Assignment Record Control'd to the Wasilla provider effective May 2nd. April work activity participation is processed on or about May 21st. T. Jones will count in Wasilla's participation rate for the month of April.



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    MC #12 (04/24)