1015-6          PARTICIPANT LIST


The Participant List is a DPADivision of Public Assistance Research and Analysis generated report that captures hours of program participation and is directly related to the participation rate. The Participant List identifies a sample of families from each Work Services provider's participant listing who have met the participation rate. The report is distributed to the appropriate service provider monthly by DPADivision of Public Assistance's Research and Analysis Unit. This report includes a column indicating that a participant has been selected for work verification review.


Work Verification accuracy results are reviewed during each provider's Work Services Quality Review (WSQR). If a WSPWork Services Provider falls below a 79% accuracy rate during a review period that provider will be required to complete a review of their caseload's work verification until the WSPWork Services Provider can demonstrate an accuracy rate of 80% or greater. A maximum of 20% of the WSPWork Services Provider caseload will be selected for each WSPWork Services Provider. For more guidance on Performance Confirmation reporting, see MS 1003.


The Participant List is also used for grievance reporting. For more information on grievance reporting, see MS 1018-6.


  1. The Participant List is not available on the DPAweb. The report is distributed monthly via email from DPADivision of Public Assistance's Research and Analysis unit to all Work Services providers.
  2. The Work Services Participant Listing Data Dictionary can be found at http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WSPartListDataDict.pdf
  3. The Participant List is distributed three - five business days after the 20th of the month. The WSPWork Services Providers have ten working days from the date the report is received to provide a written response to the participant confirmation selected group. A WSTAWork Services Technical Assistance representative will confirm both the requirement to begin and approval to cease the monthly Performance Confirmation during WSQRWork Services Quality Review meetings. Refer to MS 1018-6 for reporting timeliness associated with data grievances.



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