DPADivision of Public Assistance does not provide Social Security screening and advocacy services directly. Refer appropriate clients to non-profit services where available. Commercial vendors may also be utilized as a supportive service when appropriate and available, see TANF State Plan IV-15. Social Security advocacy services at a minimum involve case review, screening, and assisting clients to complete the initial application for SSISupplemental Security Income / SSDISocial Security Disability Insurance benefits. Services may include screening cases for qualification, working directly with the client to understand the application process and requirements, directly assisting the client in completing and submitting forms, obtaining appropriate documentation of diagnosis, and providing follow-up to ensure the application process is continued to completion and a determination of Social Security benefits is made. Advocacy may include representation in the appeals process and at administrative hearings as well. These services can be negotiated with your local provider.



Clients who are age 65 or older, terminally ill (TERI cases), those whose conditions qualify for Compassionate Allowances and those that meet presumptive disability criteria should be immediately referred directly to the SSASocial Security Administration as they may qualify for expedited services.



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