1002-6          DOCUMENTING THE FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan


A signed copy of each FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan must be retained in the client's file. Enter a CLNOClient Notes into CMSCase Management System describing why each activity and timeframe was determined appropriate for the plan. Every time the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan is updated, the CLNOClient Notes should identify the number of weekly hours of activity required. Exceptions to the 40 hour a week assignment requirement will be documented in CLNOClient Notes.


Explain and document in a CLNOClient Notes why activities were removed from the FSSPFamily Self Sufficiency Plan. For example, but not limited to:


  1. The activity was successfully completed;
  2. The activity was removed because it was inappropriate given the client's circumstance; or,
  3. The client is not ready for that activity and will reconsider the activity when circumstances are different.



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