FFWS Job Seeker (client/job seeker) – From this point, the client is referred to as a “client” or “client/job seeker” when engaged in Portfolio development and NJD. The client/job seeker continues as the primary or key decision-maker who guides Portfolio development, has the final say about the Portfolio, and authorizes both written content and photos contained in the Portfolio.

Families First Facilitator (FFF)  - The FFF provides consultation to the Work Services Case Manager (CM), the DS and the Family Support Team (FST) as needed.

Work Services Case Manager (CM) – The CM continues to provide primary case management to the client/job seeker during the stage of Portfolio development and any related NJD activities. The CM schedules the initial Portfolio meeting, and participates in additional Portfolio meetings requested by the JD. During this period, the CM must coordinate FST meetings as needed, and keep regular contact with the JD to follow progress toward employment.

Family Support Team (FST) - The FST members participate in meetings to ensure stability of the client/job seeker during the stage of Portfolio development and preparing for negotiated job development.

Discovery Specialist (DS) - The DS takes photos during Discovery activities to contribute to the Portfolio. Following the EPM, the DS must attend any meetings requested by the CM or the JD to review and provide input into Portfolio development or NJD.

Job Developer (JD) – The JD is fully responsible for leading the development of the Portfolio, researching potential employers, and carrying out negotiation strategies on behalf of the client/job seeker.


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