1023               DISCOVERY AND PROFILE

A select number of Families First Work Services (FFWS) clients will need Discovery and what follows; a comprehensive process including the written Profile, an Employment Planning Meeting (EPM), the development of the Portfolio; culminating in a range of negotiated employment options pursued using collaborative efforts of the Family Support Team (FST), including a Job Developer (JD). The Work Services Case Manager (CM) continues case management, service coordination and FST collaboration throughout the period of Discovery and Profile writing. The focus of the CM’s role is to ensure continuity of agency services, client participation in Discovery, and necessary supports to maintain stability of the client/family.

  1. Discovery Overview

Discovery is a comprehensive method of learning about how the FFWS client “gets things done.” Discovery Specialists (DS), as authorized vendors under DPA, are responsible for carrying out Discovery activities. The CM does not carry out Discovery, yet supports the process in various ways. Discovery is a collaborative effort of the full FST and the DS.

During Discovery the DS learns about the family’s circumstances by interviewing individuals who support the client as well as by observing everyday activities. Through this highly comprehensive process, the DS learns about the client’s conditions that are essential to their success, areas of interests for possible work environments and the skills and contributions that they will bring to a job. Discovery provides direction that makes sense in relation to the client’s life, while keeping the range of employment opportunities and income options open.

The DS carries out Discovery activities over a period of 6-8 weeks. The client meets with the DS on a weekly basis generally ranging from 3-6 hours per week, with a maximum of 20 hours total.

  1. Profile Overview

Informational notes gathered in Discovery are used to develop a written narrative called a “Profile.” The Profile is comprised of 3 parts, and provides a descriptive picture of the client that is created to synthesize the information from Discovery. The DS writes the Profile from a positive perspective. It is used as an alternative means of presenting the client at their best, as opposed to traditional evaluation summaries that compare an individual to set standards. The Profile is the tool used at the Employment Planning Meeting (EPM) to give direction for decisions about employment options and other means to maximize self-sufficiency (See Addendums for Discovery and Profile, detailed procedures geared to Discovery Specialists).

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