A Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (FSSP) details how a client will reach their employment goal and exit the Temporary Assistance program.  The Work Services Principles and Work First Philosophy help focus Family Self-Sufficiency planning.


The client’s FSSP, documented on-line in the Case Management System, is a “living document.”  Each time the client completes a step, achieves a goal, changes their activities, or encounters a new situation the plan is updated to reflect new goals and activities.

The FSSP outlines the specific steps a client will take in order to achieve self-sufficiency. FSSP’s must be written collaboratively with the client. Each individual client must have their own plan; in a two client family each parent must have their own individual plan.

In the Work First track the FSSP is geared toward “work ready” clients who need a lower level of assistance returning to the workforce.

The FSSP is required to be current, and signed by the client; and a signed copy must be in the hard file and documented in CMS.


Jared is a single father with viable work skills in the construction industry. He has been approved for ATAP assistance and referred to the “work services” track. Jared has never been on assistance before and has no idea what services might be available to him and his family. Jared has been looking for work and has reported that he is not working with any other outside agency other than job service. He has been in contact with the Carpenters Union  and has obtained a letter stating they have work for him provided he has the appropriate employment related transportation and gear needed for the job. Jared states he only needs rain gear and boots, minimal tools, vehicle insurance and his union dues paid in order to get back to work. The case manager provides Jared with the necessary support services and he enters the workforce within one month of receiving ATAP benefits. He is placed in post TA and the case manager continues to maintain contact with the client to ensure he has what he needs to successfully maintain his employment.

To ensure due diligence an FSSP will include the following elements and considerations:


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