1007-1           INITIAL TRACKING TOOL (ITT)

All clients who apply for ATAP are screened by completing an Initial Tracking Tool (ITT) (Attachment). This tool helps DPA recognize indicators of a client’s capacity to participate in work activities (Work First Services track) and indicators of multiple or profound complexities (Families First Work Services track) to self-sufficiency.  Based on the screening result the family will be referred to either:

If the DPA Eligibility office has not administered the ITT, the CM will consult with their supervisor to confirm current procedures for determining the appropriate Work Services Track.

Any questions regarding which track to assign the client will be forward through the supervisor to the FFF if needed.

Single Parent Families. The family will be referred to the track that meets the parent’s needs based on the ITT.

Two Parent Families. Some two-parent families will have one parent who is more work-ready than another.  In situations which one parent identifies as an appropriate referral for Work First and the other parent describes complexities that identify a Families First referral, both parents should be referred to one case manager on the Families First track.  DPA recognizes that family complexities impact both parents.  Both parents will be engaged in working with the Family Support Team (FST) and resolving identified complexities. The work ready parent will be supported with work activity opportunities immediately upon referral.  


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