Work Services Procedure Manual






The Alaska Temporary Assistance Program is administered by the State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Service, Division of Public Assistance under the authority of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 and the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45 Part 260. On July 1, 1997, Alaska Temporary Assistance replaced the federal Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and the Jobs Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) programs. The Alaska Temporary Assistance Program (ATAP) is authorized under Alaska Administrative Code, Title 7 Chapter 45.

Temporary Assistance is funded with a combination of state general funds and federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) block grant.

The overarching goal of Temporary Assistance is to ”Move Alaskans from welfare into jobs so they can support their families, and maintain a safety net for those truly in need.”  The Division of Public Assistance adopted the Work First Model to achieve this goal.  Work First maintains that any job is a good job and the best way to succeed in the labor market is to join it.  In 2011 DPA adjusted the Work First Model to achieve a higher level of client self-sufficiency; in 2012 DPA further refined service delivery to include the Families First Model.

The Families First Model is designed to address qualifying clients who experience more complex needs. DPA believes that assisting these clients in addressing the issues which interfere with their capacity to work will facilitate their long term self-sufficiency.  Eligible ATAP clients will be assigned to the Work First or Families First tracks of service delivery according to their needs. This procedure manual will provide the guidance, along with the Alaska Temporary Assistance Policy Manual to support staff as they work to help families on Public Assistance reach self-sufficiency.  To that end, it is reflective of what a prudent person would do to support clients in the Work First and Families First service tracks.

Temporary Assistance sets a 60 month assistance limit; assisting clients to self-sufficiency or when appropriate placed in programs which give them the support needed that will minimize their months used and improve their opportunity for self-sufficiency.

This manual remains a work-in-progress and will be updated periodically. The manual will be posted on DPA web page under the heading of “Online Manuals.” It is in your best interest to use the most updated version at all times. Maintaining a hard copy of this document is not recommended.

Any suggestions to clarify or update this manual will be accepted through WSTA@ALASKA.GOV site.




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