1015               WORK SERVICES REPORTS

The Division of Public Assistance is required by Federal Regulation and State Statute to report client work activities and performance outcomes. The following reports may be used by Work Services providers to monitor the program activities and outcomes and to measure their performance in administering Work Services.  Below is a comprehensive list of all reports made available by DPA’s Research and Analysis section to the Work Services Provider (WSP).  The following is a list of DPA Work Services Reports by title:


Caseload summaries are available both weekly and monthly through Luminist. Weekly reports are used to manage caseloads and reference new referrals.  Monthly reports are used to confirm that work activities have been accurately entered and penalties are set correctly and within time frames.  These reports provide a current listing of clients who have been referred to a Work Services Provider and the staff member to whom the case is assigned.  The report provides basic case and client status information which allows the Case Manager and Project Manager to plan their work. 

  1.  Luminist is accessible through the DPAweb at the following location:   https://luminist.state.ak.us/luminist/luminist.html

  2. The Work Services Caseload Report Data Dictionary provides detailed descriptions of each element of the report.  It can be accessed at the following link:  http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WSCsldRptDataDict.pdf

  3. The Caseload Summary Report is primarily used as a caseload management tool.  There are no DPA reporting requirements associated with this report.



Section 407(b)(3) of the Social Security Act, as amended by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA), requires DPA to reduce a state's required work participation rate for a fiscal year by the state's caseload reduction credit for that fiscal year.  The caseload reduction credit gives a state credit for reducing its caseload between a base year and a comparison year.

  1. The Caseload Reduction Credit Annual report is a federally required report and is a DPA internal report only.  

  2. This report is not readily accessible to Work Service Providers.

  3. This report is an internal document that is generated by DPA’s Research and Analysis unit and is verified and submitted to the Federal Administration of Children and Family Services by the department’s Administrative Operations Manager.

1015-3            DATA GRIEVANCE REPORT

A grievance is a written document, with attached documentation that supports the provider’s claim that the Division did not correctly calculate performance outcomes, which subsequently affected the provider’s performance rates.   

  1. The guidelines and associated forms are made available electronically to Work Service Providers by the Work Services Policy and Program Development unit.

  2. The Grievance report is not available on the DPAweb. 

  3. Guidelines for the process for submitting a grievance may be accessed in (WSPM 1018-6).


The spreadsheet identifies adults that appear to have more than 60 hours of activity in any federal work activity or more than 55 hours per week based on activity start and end dates.       

  1. This report is provided monthly through email to all Work Service providers from DPA’s Research and Analysis unit.

  2. The Inconsistent Data Report is not available on the DPAweb.  The Work Activity Inconsistencies Data Dictionary is available at http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WorkActsInconsistenciesDataDict2.pdf

  3. Work Service Providers have ten (10) business days following the distribution of the Inconsistency Data Report to take corrective action and/or verify the validity of the data and submit to DPA through WSTA@alaska.gov.


The Monthly Benefit and Caseload summary report is a global report that is information only regarding statewide public assistance programs.  This report is inclusive of all Public Assistance programs including TANF, Native Family Assistance, Adult Public Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, Senior Benefits, Heating Assistance, Interim Assistance and General Relief Assistance.  This report provides a monthly snapshot of various program statistics, expenditures and caseloads.

  1. The Monthly Benefit and Caseload summary report can be found at http://dpaweb.hss.state.ak.us/files/reports/Csld&BeneSumm.pdf.

  2. The following link provides detailed information on each Work Services participant assigned to a case manager. Information reported is based on the involvement of each participant.  http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WSCsldRptDataDict.pdf

  3. This report should be referenced regularly by management to monitor caseloads.  There are no DPA reporting requirements associated with this report.


The Participant List is a DPA Research and Analysis generated report that captures hours of program participation and is directly related to the participation rate.  The Participant List identifies a sample of families from each Work Service provider’s participant listing who have met the participation rate.  The report is distributed to the appropriate service provider monthly by DPA’s Research and Analysis Unit.  This report includes a column indicating that a participant has been selected for work verification review. 

Work Verification accuracy results are reviewed during each provider’s Work Service Quality Review (WSQR).  If a WSP falls below a 79% accuracy rate during a review period that provider will be required to complete a review of their caseload’s work verification until the WSP can demonstrate an accuracy rate of 80% or greater.  A maximum of 20% of the WSP caseload will be selected for each WSP.  For more guidance on Performance Confirmation reporting see (WSPM 1003).

The Participant List is also used for grievance reporting.  For more information on grievance reporting see (WSPM 1018-6)

  1. The Participant List is not available on the DPAweb.  The report is distributed monthly via email from DPA’s Research and Analysis unit to all Work Services Providers.

  2. The Work Service Participant Listing Data Dictionary can be found at http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WSPartListDataDict.pdf

  3. The Participant list is distributed three – five business days after the 20th of the month.  The WSP’s have ten working days from the date the report is received to provide a written response to the participant confirmation selected group.  A WSTA representative will confirm both the requirement to begin and approval to cease the monthly Performance Confirmation during WSQR Work Services Quality Review meetings.  Refer to (WSPM 1018-6) for reporting timelines associated with data grievances.


The Penalty Report is available to Work Services Case Managers.  This report includes clients whose TA cases have been reduced due to penalty.  Supervisors use this report to monitor and guide their staffs’ efforts to reengage penalized clients in appropriate activities.

  1. The Penalty Report is generated by DPA’s Research and Analysis unit and is emailed monthly to Work Service providers.  This report is not available on the DPAweb.

  2. There are no instructions or a data dictionary associated with this report.

  3. There are no DPA reporting requirements associated with this report.  The Penalty Report is primarily used as a management tool to monitor TA clients in penalty status and to guide efforts in re-engagement of clients.


Work Verification accuracy results will be reviewed during each provider’s Work Services Quality Review (WSQR).  If a provider’s Work Verification and CMS Data Entry category demonstrates an accuracy rate of 79% or lower during a review period that provider will complete the process of monthly performance confirmation until their WSQR Work Services Quality Review demonstrates that their performance exceeds this standard. 

The Program Integrity and Analysis/Research and Analysis (PI&A/RA) section identifies a sample of families from each provider’s participant listing who have met the participation rate.  The selection parameters are twenty percent (20%) of the agency caseload for each provider with a minimum of five (5) cases and a maximum of 30 cases.  The selection will be weighted in accordance with the overall family type, e.g. All Family or Two-Parent families on the State of Alaska Temporary Assistance caseload.

  1. Work Services Providers are notified by email when the monthly performance reports are available. 

  2. The Work Service Participant Listing Data Dictionary can be found at http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WSPartListDataDict.pdf

  3. Follow the procedures in (WSPM 1003).


The six Work Services performance metrics are posted by area and provider on the DPAweb on a monthly basis.  This report shows the percentages by which a Work Services provider met the expected performance target based on the number of possibles for the month.  These metrics are used by Work Services providers to produce the monthly Pay-for-Performance invoice and to monitor their programs for any potential data grievances.   For more information on Grievance reporting see (WSPM 1018-6).

  1. The Performance Reports are posted monthly to the DPAweb, and an email notification that the report is available is sent to all Work Service providers by DPA’s Research and Analysis unit.  The Performance Reports have a search query feature for Work Service Providers which can be a useful management tool. 

  2. These reports can be accessed at the following link http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/index.php.  For detailed information regarding the contents of the performance reports see http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/Perf_Meas_Definitions.pdf.

  3. The performance reports are made available through the DPAweb within 3 – 5 business days after the 20th of the month.  Performance invoices are due on the 30th of the month following the performance period.  Invoices are submitted directly to DPA.  This report is also used for data grievances.  Guidelines and timelines for the process for submitting a grievance can be accessed in (WSPM 1018-6).


The six Work Services performance metrics are posted by area, provider and DPA regional office on the DPAweb on a monthly basis.  This report shows the percentages by which a Work Services provider met the expected performance target, based on the number of possibles for the month. It is formatted by case managers related to a specific CARC.   

  1. The Performance by Case Manager report is available on the DPAweb at the following link http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WSPerfMeasXCMReport.pdf.    For more information on grievance reporting see (WSPM 1018-6).

  2. For more information on the performance definitions reference http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/Perf_Meas_Definitions.pdf.

  3. There are no reporting requirements attached to the Performance by Case Manager Report.  This report can be accessed through the DPAweb at http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/WSPerfMeasXCMReport.pdf.


This report is a quarterly narrative report describing the performance achieved for the quarter recently ended and plans to improve performance moving forward. 

  1.   The QCIP is available on eforms at http://dpaweb.hss.state.ak.us/node/37

  2. Performance data is copied from http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/index.php.  The WSP projects the performance goal for the next quarter based on the conditions within their service delivery area and their continuous improvement strategies proposed on this report.

  3. Work Service Providers complete the QCIP by the 30th of the month following the end of the quarter.  This narrative report is submitted through WSTA@alaska.gov.

1015-12     STAFF ROSTER

Work Services Providers will submit an updated Staff Roster to WSTA@alaska.gov by the last business day of the month.  At a minimum the roster will include:


This report lists each client in order of the months of ATAP they have used to date. This report is used as a management tool to monitor for Family Progress Reviews and for extension consideration (WSPM 1008-2).

  1. This report is available on Luminist at https://luminist.state.ak.us/luminist/luminist.html

  2. There is no data dictionary to reference for this report.

  3. There are no DPA reporting requirements associated with this report. 


This report demonstrates each agency’s performance, displaying agencies in communities with similar economic conditions. It is useful in setting staff goals of improved client engagement.

  1. This report is accessible at http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/UniversalPartStats.pdf

  2. There is no data dictionary to reference for this report.

  3. There are no DPA reporting requirements associated with this report. 


The Work Services Performance Measures reports compile monthly and yearly performance measures for each provide and a statewide total.  The report includes the numerator and denominator for each performance measure for each provider.

  1. The Work Services Performance Measures report is produced monthly by DPA’s Research and Analysis unit and is available through the DPAweb at the following location:  http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/index.php  

  2. Performance Measure Definitions can be found in WSPM 1003-1.  Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about these six can be accessed through the DPAweb at the following link:  http://soar.hss.state.ak.us/performance/files/Perf_Meas_FAQ.pdf

  3. The Contractor Performance Measures report is primarily used as a management tool to record each Work Services provider’s monthly and annual performance statistics.  Data is used to generate a monthly Pay-for-Performance invoice.


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