Work Verification accuracy results will be reviewed during each provider’s Work Services Quality Review (WSQR).  If a provider’s Work Verification and CMS Data Entry category demonstrates an accuracy rate of 79% or lower during a review period that provider will complete the process below until their WSQR demonstrates that their performance exceeds this standard. Work Services Providers will communicate

1. Program Integrity and Analysis/Research and Analysis (PI&A/RA) section identifies a sample of families from each provider’s participant listing who have met the participation rate.  The selection parameters are as follows:

a. Twenty percent (20%) of the agency caseload will be selected for each provider with a minimum of five (5) cases and a maximum of 30 cases.

b. The selection will be weighted in accordance with the overall family type, e.g. All Family or Two-Parent families on the State of Alaska Temporary Assistance caseload.

2. The participant reports are distributed to the appropriate service provider.    The participant report will include a column indicating that a participant has been selected for work verification review. The Work Services Provider management will ensure the review of the following for each case identified on the Participant Report:

a. CMS Work Activity Screen for each selected adult (both adults in a selected 2P family).

b. CMS Client Note which describes the data entered and how it was verified.

c. The hard copy verification, e.g., payroll stubs, work statement, activity logs or the third party verification documentation.

d. The provider will verify the accuracy of the work verification utilizing information documented by their staff.  

e. The provider will correct all documentation or work activity errors within 5 days and provide CLNO entry of the correction.

f. The provider will complete a report (template provided by Work Services/Policy Program Coordinator when Work Verification is required) of correctly and incorrectly verified and documented work activity information to submit to their assigned Program Coordinator and copied to CSQA staff via Direct Secure Messaging by the last business day of the month until directed that they can cease completing the report.

g. WSQR results demonstrating an 80% or higher accuracy rate will indicate appropriate improvement.

h. The Work Services/Policy Program Coordinator will confirm both the requirement to begin and approval to cease the monthly Performance Confirmation during WSQR meetings.  

Work Services providers may voluntarily continue monthly internal Performance Confirmation review even if they exceed the 80% standard on their Work Services Quality Review using the sample provided by PI&A/RA on the participant report.  Voluntary completion of the Performance Confirmation process does not need to be submitted to your Work Services/Policy liaison.  

Some reasons to review Work Verification include:

• Monthly case file review

• Supporting or coaching for staff’s individual performance

• New staff’s understanding and application of Work Verification standards

• Other applications according to leadership’s identified need.

Technical assistance resources will be made available as requested to assist providers develop their expertise in Work Verification expectations.


See Calendar of Reporting Dates in WSPM Section 1002-3 D.


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MC #5 (06/15)