Work Services staff uses the following tools to document plans, actions and outcomes of client activity:

FSSP – services needed to complete the plan, must be specific and included in Support section of FSSP.

Client notes (CLNOs) in CMS document specific support, amount of support, need, and date issued.

      1. Other documentation when appropriate: budget worksheets, work schedules, etc.  If the activity is not listed on the pre-approved activity list; a call or email to DPA, Technical Assistance (wsta@alaska.gov 907/269.3558) to request authorization must be documented and noted on the CLNO.

        1. Each request must be examined to determine if the participant truly has a need for the service;

        2. Consideration if the activity will progress toward the client’s self-sufficiency;

        3. Consideration if partner agencies, natural supports or non-profits have been maximized; and

        4. The urgency of the client’s need must be considered.

      2. Case managers can use the client’s Permanent Fund Dividends as a prospect to discuss with the client their opportunity to maximize this resource to achieve self-sufficiency.

      3. Due diligence (WSPM Section 1004) must be exercised when providing Supportive Services.

      4. Any support service given outside the scope as outlined in the section above should be approved through DPA.


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