• In some cases, it might be determined that a client was referred to the wrong track for assistance and needs to be referred to the other track. A client can be transferred from the Families First Work Services Track to the Work Service Track or vice versa.

        • This transfer must go through the Field Work Services Project Assistant(s); however, if the DPA office has both tracks,  the CM will consult  with their supervisor and CLNO the reason for the track change and the effective date. The Field Work Services Project Assistants can be used for assistance, but it is not required in this situation.

      • A new FSSP will be developed when a client moves to a different track. Well defined case notes which reflect due diligence was used in making the decision to change tracks will be entered into CLNO’s;

      • All changes to the FSSP are required to be documented in CLNOs.

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MC #5 (06/15)