The Consultation Request is primarily used for four sets of circumstances:


      1. The DPA eligibility office assigns the client to a Work Services track based on the results of the Initial Tracking Tool (Attachment).

      2. The case manager must have followed the normal and appropriate protocols by completing the following:

          1. Make contact with the client

          2. Complete necessary assessments EPI/EA

          3. Developed an Initial FSSP, signed by the client

          4. Conduct Home Visits; when appropriate for making contact

          5. Beginning December 1st, 2012 all Non-Urgent Consultation Requests (excluding Incorrect ITT’s) will be required to have completed and documented in CLNO the summary of at least one Quarterly Family Progress Report completed within the last four months.

          6. Summary description of TA incap status, as appropriate

          7. CLNO documenting conversation with client regarding referral to identified service or alternate service delivery track.

The case manager at the agency to whom the client has been referred will actively case manage the family.  Activities that are appropriate and realistic will be agreed upon by the client and monitored.  This may mean that a client referred to Work First may have good cause to not participate in Work Search activities and may instead be working with their case manager to explore resources to alleviate concerns or begin building their Family Support Team.

Alternately, a family referred to Families First who is able to participate in Work First type activities should have those activities identified on their FSSP with appropriate supports in place to ensure success.

The Families First Facilitator is the authority in approving or denying all Consultation Requests. All determinations made are final. If you have questions regarding the decision made, please contact your local Families First Facilitator.


1.     The case manager will complete the Consultation Request form, identify related CANO and CLNOs, and then review it with their supervisor or designated leadership contact for approval. Upon approval the information will be provided to the regional Point of Contact (POC)

2.     The POC will contact the Families First Facilitator via email and notify them of the new Consultation Request. Email notifications may delineate a number in front of the request to identify the specific number of entries that are being requested for review. (ie: (5) Incorrect ITT Consultation Requests)

          1. Email Notifications will include the title designating the type of request being made.

            1. Incorrect ITT Consultation Request
            2. WF to FF (or) FF to WF Consultation Request
            3. Urgent Consultation Request
            4. Discovery (or) SSI Consultation Request
          2. If the POC receives an “out of office” response, they will contact the backup facilitator identified in the out-of-office reply and forward the request to the identified alternate Families First Facilitator. 

          3. If an alternate FFF has not been identified in the out-of-office reply the POC will be responsible for contacting the Program Manager for contact information for the backup FFF.



If the case manager does not notify the alternate FFF, the request may be delayed and/or denied.


Thank you for sending a CR for client # 6000012345 M.J.
This CR is not complete in section 1 or section 3.
Please complete these sections.  This request cannot be considered until these fields are completed.

        1. The Work Services case manager will update the client regarding any decisions made.


The Families First Facilitator will:

        1. Review the request and approve or request additional information to resolve the request within the designated timeframe.
        2. The Families First Facilitator will CLNO all Consultation Request determinations.
          1. CLNO will be titled “Consultation Request Determination: Determination”

          2. CLNO will include the notes from the notes section of the SharePoint List site.

          3. If the request is granted the Families First Facilitator will change the CARC to assign the family to the designated CARC, identifying the new service delivery track.

          4. The FFF will notify the POC via e-mail of consultation request determinations.

i)  All determinations by the Families First Facilitator will include feedback and/or recommendations via documentation on the Consultation Tracking Spreadsheet and the information will be copied into a CLNO. The Families First Facilitator may also establish recommended action items.

ii)     Action items will be noted on the Consultation Request form under FFF Recommendations.


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