There are many situations in which communication is essential. Work Services providers will maintain a positive relationship with DPA Policy staff and seek direction and clarification when necessary.

The following is a list of examples where contact with DPA Policy staff is appropriate:

1002-4 A.     When the Answer is not Readily Identified:

Work Services Providers should make every effort to resolve challenges or service issues internally. Front line staff will consult the ATAP Manual and the WSPM including appendices for guidance and confirm their next steps with their supervisor.  If those tools do not provide clear direction, the written request for assistance must be sent to WSTA@alaska.gov  and will include:

          1. The Client ID number(s) of adult(s) in the case
          2. A description of the situation
          3. The resources the WSP has explored
          4. What the WSP would like to do as a course of action
          5. The WSP’s rationale of why the identified course of action is in the best interest of the client

A member of the Policy team will respond to the WSP’s inquiry by phone or in writing within 48 hours. Most clarifications will be case specific. Such clarifications must be printed and maintained in the client file for documentation.

General clarifications will be retained in Manager’s records for future reference if needed.

If a client need is truly urgent and cannot wait the time period stated above, WSTA Policy staff may be contacted by the Program Manager immediately by email or telephone. If the request for technical assistance (TA) is by telephone a follow-up email must be sent to the WSTA box. This email will include the client ID number, question and suggested resolution.

1002-4 B.     When A Partner or Agency Representative Can’t be Engaged:

If a WSP is having difficulty reaching, engaging with or collaborating with a partner agency, ensure all efforts to engage the partner (including phone calls, emails, copies of letters, calls to supervisors and invitations to meetings) are documented in CLNO’s.

1002-4C.      When There Seems to be a Conflict in Policy between Two or More Agencies

In some cases, the Family Support Team (FST) may be working very well together, however they identify a conflict between agency policies that challenges the team’s progress. Family Support Team members are encouraged to discuss the issue with their supervisors and consult policy and procedure resources for guidance. If the guidance does not provide the necessary information, the issue should be presented to the Work Services Policy team at WSTA@alaska.gov


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