When a family receives a benefit that is larger than that for which they are eligible, an overpayment has occurred. The Division must recoup the overpayment, except as noted in ATAP MS 792-4 below.
When a full month of ATAP benefits have been overpaid, the caseworker that determined the household was ineligible for assistance is required to establish the overpayment is EIS and send a GEN 95 to the Claims Unit.
The Claims Unit will create the overpayment claim and request an update to the TLIP counter via an email submission to hss.dpa.systems.support@alaska.gov, with the subject line of "ATAP Time Limit Change Request."
If there is an underpayment in the same case, the underpayment amount is adjusted against the overpayment before recoupment is initiated or the corrective payment authorized. Complete one "Claim Determination" form (GEN 95 ) showing both the overpayment and underpayment and submit the form to the Claims Unit.
Additionally, an overpayment "follows" each member of the overpaid unit if that client's case is closed.
A child is a member of an assistance unit with his mother. His mother leaves the state, giving him to his uncle, who applies for ATAP . The amount of the outstanding overpayment is recouped from the uncle/nephew's new grant.
Alaska does not recoup for other states and other states do not recoup for Alaska.
Refer to Administrative Procedures Manual MS 111 for complete procedures on claims and collections. When an overpayment is discovered, the following actions must be taken:
The 10% recoupment withholding may be suspended for up to 3 months. With supervisory approval, the Claims Specialist can suspend only if recoupment poses such a financial threat that the loss of income threatens the continued existence of the family as a unit.
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