Authorization of Food Stamps Denial or Suspension
Go to the FSAD screen. When <ENTER> is pressed, one of two edits will appear:
If PFD income causes the household to be ineligible for a Food Stamp allotment, change the R to S in the BENEFIT ISSUANCE field to suspend the Food Stamp benefits. For an application, enter the denial/closure reason code.
If the household is eligible for a reduced allotment, do not change the benefit issuance field.
Enter your PCN to suspend/deny the case or authorize the reduced allotment
Press <ENTER>. The FSHH screen will appear.
Enter the last month of PFD Hold Harmless eligibility in the END DATE field. The END DATE is the last month a household is expected to retain enough PFD money to make them resource ineligible for food stamps.
The END DATE cannot be longer than four months or the end of the current Food Stamp certification period.