605-7 A(2) PFD Interface - Application Status Types



The PFD application status is located in the APP STATUS field on the INTERFACE INQUIRY screen. 


Application Status Types





Denied – Administrative


Invalid – Duplicate

Invalid – Bad Address

Invalid – Incorrect Type


Withdrawn – Applicant

Withdrawn – Sponsor

Withdrawn – Division

Withdrawn – Court Order


Most individuals are listed on the PFD Interface with an application status “Eligible”.  Refer to MS 605-7 for policy on anticipating PFD income for these individuals.


 EIS ININ                                                INTERFACE INQUIRY                                    022708 09:19

                                                                                                              RONALD A 


 SSN: 000 00 0000


 SOURCE   NAME                        DOB                            SEX   RECEIVED     PAYMENT   ISSUED


 EIS  BIGDOG,WALLY                    12121971                        M


 PFA  BIGDOG,WALLY                    12121971                        M    083008  

        APP TYPE: ADULT          APP STATUS: ELIGIBLE                                         PFD YEAR:2008


        CITIZEN FLAG: Y          BIRTH STATE: AK                                       FIRST APP YEAR: 1982           



Some individuals will be listed on the PFD Interface with an application status other than “Eligible”.  This means the applicant is either not eligible or the application is being reviewed and a final eligibility determination is pending.  In these situations, the PFD will not be anticipated.  The PFD application status will update once a determination has been made.



 EIS ININ                                                  INTERFACE INQUIRY                                 022708 09:19


                                                                                                             RONALD A    


 SSN: 000 00 0000


 SOURCE     NAME                                  DOB           SEX            RECEIVED      PAYMENT   ISSUED


 EIS    BIGDOG,WALLY                            12121971      M


 PFA    BIGDOG,WALLY                   12121971      M             083008


          APP TYPE: ADULT              APP STATUS: UNDETERMINED                                      PFD YEAR: 2008


       CITIZEN FLAG: Y          BIRTH STATE: AK                                      FIRST APP YEAR: 1982           



After completion of the PFD issuance each year the Department of Revenue provides DPA with a list of individuals who were issued a PFD. DPA matches this list with the APA caseload. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses this information to determine PFD-caused overpayments to SSI recipients and to claim reimbursement from the PFD Hold Harmless Program.