605-7 Permanent Fund Dividend Special Processing Example



PFD Household for OCS Release of Funds:

Cindy was released from OCS custody when she turned 18 and moved in with her grandmother on May 10. Cindy’s PFDs for the last 4 years were deposited on May 15, in Cindy’s bank account. Cindy applies for Food Stamps for herself and her grandmother on June 1. The agency verifies all resources including Cindy’s bank account and determines the household is over resource for Food Stamps but eligible for Hold Harmless benefits. The money that was released from OCS becomes an available resource to Cindy the month it is deposited into Cindy’s bank account. The case workers sees that Cindy’s grandmother was on her own case prior to Cindy’s application and had received 4 months Hold Harmless for October 2010 - January 2011 due to PFD resources. Since Hold Harmless follows the case and not the individual and Cindy and her grandmother are considered a new household, they are eligible for another 4 months Hold Harmless benefits on Cindy’s case. Cindy states she is saving the money to pay for college. It will be spent down as of the end of August. Hold Harmless benefits are issued for 3 months, June – August.