Employment will be considered suitable unless the household member can demonstrate that at least one of the following conditions exist:


1. The risk to health and safety is unreasonable.

2. The household member is physically or mentally unfit to perform the employment as documented by medical evidence or by reliable information from other sources.

3. The distance from the person's home to work exceeds two hours commuting time per day not including the transportation to day care.  Employment is not considered suitable if the distance to the place of work prohibits walking, and neither public nor private   transportation is available.

4. Work hours or nature of work interferes with the person's religious beliefs.

5. The wage offered is less than the State minimum wage.

6. Employment offered is on a piece-rate basis, and the average yield expected is less than State minimum wage.

7. Employment or employment offered requires or will not allow an employee to join a legitimate union.

8. Work offered is at a site subject to a strike or lockout at the time of the offer unless the strike has been enjoined under Section 208 of the Labor-Management Relations Act (29 USCUnited States Code 78) or Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act (45 USCUnited States Code 160).

9. Employment offered within first 30 days of registration is not in the person's major field of experience.



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