Department of Health and Social Services

Division of Public Assistance





MANUAL:  Adult Public Assistance


DATE:  September 14, 2007



This manual change updates program policy in conjunction with changes to the Medicaid, Alaska Temporary Assistance, and Food Stamp manuals.  It revises several sections in the application process chapter and removes references to outdated Medicaid policy regarding the use of conversion factors when estimating income.


This manual change also updates cross references within the manual, corrects agency and program names, and includes several technical changes for minor spelling and wording changes.  


Highlights of these policy revisions are described below.  


If you have any questions please contact any member of the Policy and Program Development Team at (907) 465-3347 or email




MS 410, Application Process

Adds " DPA -contracted" next to "fee agent" to clarify that only fee agents who have a contract with DPADivision of Public Assistance can interview the household.  This change was also made at MS 410-3C.


MS 410-2C, When is an Application Not Required?

Clarifies that a new application is not required when a household is not eligible for the first month but is eligible for the second month.


MS 410-3E, Interviews Conducted at a DPADivision of Public Assistance Office

Clarifies that the office must schedule an interview if the household contacts the office within 30 days of the application filing date.


MS 410-3F, Changes Reported at the Interview

Clarifies that all applicant households must report all changes at the interview.


MS 410-4, Verification

Clarifies what is expected of a caseworker when checking information systems and interfaces.  An example is included.


MS 410-5C, Pending the Application

Removes "attend the interview" from the first sentence.  The office is not required to send a notice when an interview is scheduled in person or by telephone.


MS 440-4, Determining the Household’s Monthly Income

Removes references to outdated Family Medicaid policy that prohibited the use of conversion factors when converted income caused Medicaid ineligibility.


MS 441-2H, Awards

Updates the Division of Health Care Services Third Party Liability ( TPL ) Unit email address.


MS 452-10, Temporary Assistance and APAAdult Public Assistance

Corrects the date in Example 1, replacing "October 31" with "November 30."


MS 460-2, Financial Responsibility

Removes the "Note" in subsection B about potential differences between APAAdult Public Assistance and Medicaid for sponsored aliens.  The information was outdated and no longer applicable.