DATE:          September 1, 2005


TO:               All Adult Public Assistance Manual Holders


FROM:         Policy and Program Development Team

                      Ellie Fitzjarrald, Chief


SUBJECT: Adult Public Assistance Manual Change #11


In our continuing effort to simplify and align policy across programs where possible, we are pleased to introduce a new Application Process chapter.  To the extent that we can, we are presenting policy in the same format and language in the Food Stamp, Adult Public Assistance, Alaska Temporary Assistance, and Family Medicaid program manuals.


This manual change incorporates clarifications to the estimating income policy as a result of discussions during the 2005 Learning Summits, implements new policy for three resource exclusions and changes the definition of income.  Also included are updates to the Table of Contents, Appendix 1, the Index, and other minor technical changes.  Highlights of the policy revisions are described below.


If you have any questions, please contact any member of the Policy and Program Development Team at 465-3347 or e-mail us at  




Chapter 410, Application Process








MS Manual Section 432-2A, One Automobile


Effective immediately, one automobile per household may be excluded from resources regardless of value if it is used for transportation of the individual or couple, or a member of the individual’s or couple’s household.  This policy change is the result of a change in SSI Supplemental Security Income policy that occurred on April 1, 2005.  


MS Manual Section 432-2D, Funds Set Aside for Burial


Beginning September 1, 2005, policy for the burial funds exclusion is changed to describe the earliest date on which the exclusion applies.  This change only applies to burial fund determinations made on or after September 1, 2005.  Burial funds that were excluded under previous policies will continue to be excluded from resources.  


In addition, burial funds that are used for another purpose will no longer cause the burial funds exclusion to end.


MS Manual Section 432-2E, Household Goods and Personal Effects


Effective immediately, the $2,000 limit for this resource exclusion is eliminated.  These items are now totally excluded from resources, regardless of their value.  However, personal property that a person acquires or holds because of its value or as an investment still count as a resource.  This policy change is the result of a change in SSI Supplemental Security Income policy that occurred on April 1, 2005.


MS Manual Section 440-1, Income Defined


Federal SSI Supplemental Security Income regulations were amended effective March 9, 2005 to change the definition of income.  Previous policy defined income as money that could be used to meet a person’s needs for food, clothing, or shelter.  This change removes the term “clothing” from the definition of income.  This policy change was previously implemented by a broadcast announcement to staff on April 19, 2005.


MS Manual Section 440-4, Determining the Household’s Monthly Income




Manual Change Filing Instructions


Remove Old Pages

Insert New Pages

Table of Contents (pages i through x)

Table of Contents (pages i through x)

Chapter Contents (Chapter 410)

Chapter Contents (Chapter 410)

B-1 through B-14

B-1 through B-18

Chapter Contents (Chapter 432)

Chapter Contents (Chapter 432)

L-3 through L-30

L-3 through L-32

Chapter Contents (Chapter 440)

Chapter Contents (Chapter 440)

N-1 through N-2

N-1 through N-2

N-11 through N-22

N-11 through N-24

Addendum 1 (pages 3 through 4)

Addendum 1 (pages 3 through 4)

Index (pages 1 through 14)

Index (pages 1 through 14)