DATE:          March 21, 2005


TO:               All Adult Public Assistance Manual Holders


FROM:         Policy and Program Development Team

                      Ellie Fitzjarrald, Chief


SUBJECT: Adult Public Assistance Manual Change #10


This manual change implements new policy on estimating income and changes to the student earned income exclusion.  It also includes an updated index, and makes other technical changes.  Highlights of these policy revisions are described below.


If you have any questions, please contact any member of the Policy and Program Development Team at 465-3347 or e-mail us at  


Estimating Income

Two recent fair hearing decisions identified an inconsistency between our policy and the federal food stamp regulations for estimating income in the application month.  This change corrects that policy.   Application month income will no longer be determined based on the amount of income received by the interview date.  Instead, the policy for estimating income will be the same for the application month and subsequent months.  


In addition, we have clarified and simplified the manual sections. The conversion factors section is simplified by addressing only the two factors that truly convert income to a monthly amount – bi-weekly 2.15 and weekly 4.3, i.e., the third and fifth paycheck situations.


We are adopting these changes for the Food Stamp, APA , ATAP Alaska Temporary Assistance Program and Family Medicaid programs, so that policy is still aligned, with one exception.  The Family Medicaid program prohibits the use of conversion factors when converted income causes Medicaid ineligibility.  


The new policy for estimating income in the application months may be applied right away, however, it must be applied to all applications processed on and after May 1, 2005.


Student Earned Income Exclusion

As a result of a change in federal law, the student earned income exclusion that previously applied only to dependent children under the age of 22 has been changed to exclude the earned income of any student under the age of 22, including those who are married, emancipated, or considered as head of household.




MS Manual Section 440-4, Determining the Household’s Monthly Income








MS Manual Section 442-2D, Student Earned Income Exclusion



Manual Change Filing Instructions


Remove Old Pages

Insert New Pages

Table of Contents (page ix through xii)

Table of Contents (ix through xii)

B-5 through B-6

B-5 through B-6

I-5 through I-6

I-5 through I-6

Chapter Contents (Chapter 440)

Chapter Contents (Chapter 440)

N-11 through N-20

N-11 through N-22

Chapter Contents (Chapter 442)

Chapter Contents (Chapter 442)

P-3 through P-4

P-3 through P-4

P-23 through P-24

P-23 through P-24

V-13 through V-14

V-13 through V-14

W-1 through W-4

W-1 through W-4

Addendum 1 (pages 1 through 2)

Addendum 1 (pages 1 through 2)

Index (pages 1 through 14)

Index (pages 1 through 14)