480-1        REVIEWS




At least once each calendar year a non-SSI APA recipient, or a person acting on the recipient's behalf, must complete a review application.  The proper form for an annual review application is DPA form GEN 72 Eligibility Review Form.


In addition to the completed review application, the recipient must also provide any additional DPA forms and any other information/verification that is necessary to correctly redetermine the recipient's APA eligibility and benefit amount.


480-1 B.   REVIEWS FOR SSI Supplemental Security Income RECIPIENTS


SSI recipients are also subject to an annual review process.  However, the review process for SSI recipients is uncomplicated, and a review application is not required.  Because the APA and SSI programs use nearly identical eligibility criteria, it is only necessary for EIS to confirm that the individual meets Alaska residency requirements and is an SSI recipient.  The individual’s Alaska residency and SSI recipient status is considered to be sufficient proof that he or she still meets APA eligibility criteria.  The case worker may still require the recipient to provide any additional DPA forms or other information or verification that the case worker considers necessary to correctly redetermine the recipient's APA eligibility and benefit amount.




A case worker may also require a special review application at any time if he or she considers it necessary.  The proper form for a special review application is DPA form GEN 50B Application for Services.  In addition to the completed review application, the recipient must also provide any additional DPA forms and any other information/verification that is necessary to correctly redetermine the recipient's APA eligibility and benefit amount.




Unlike the initial APA application process, a face-to-face interview is not generally required to process a review application.  However, the case worker may require the recipient to have a face-to-face interview if he or she considers it necessary to redetermine the recipient's APA eligibility or benefit amount.  (Refer to section 410-4 for further information on interview requirements.)




APA regulations require that DPA make an eligibility decision and mail written notice of the decision within 30 days after the date that a review application is filed.  If a review application cannot be processed within this 30-day timeframe, because of either client or agency caused delays, the APA case shall remain open and benefits shall be continued until an eligibility decision is made.  (Refer to section 480-2)




Adequate notice of action shall be mailed to a recipient once the review application is processed.  A notice of action is not required for the annual review process for SSI Supplemental Security Income recipients unless the review results in a change in eligibility or benefit amount.  Any adverse action taken on a review, such as a reduction in the amount of benefits or termination of assistance, may also require timely notice.  (Refer to section 481-1 and 481-2 for adequate and timely notice requirements.)




If a review application is received by the last day of the month following the month a case is closed for failure to submit a review application, the review application will be accepted as the individual's reapplication.


In this situation, the case worker will treat the review application as an initial application and prorate the payment for the month of reapplication from the date the review application was received in a DPA office.  


When redetermining the individual's eligibility, a face-to-face interview is not required unless the case worker finds it necessary, due to questionable circumstances, to redetermine the individual's eligibility or benefit amount.  (See section 480-1B above.)



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MC #3 (9/01)