425-4 A. SSA AND SSI Supplemental Security Income DETERMINATIONS
The Social Security Administration periodically reviews blindness or disability decisions that allow the payment of SSA disability or SSI Supplemental Security Income benefits. Review of SSA or SSI Supplemental Security Income blindness or disability decisions is not necessary for APA purposes. If DPA receives information indicating that SSA or SSI Supplemental Security Income disability payments have been terminated because Social Security has found that blindness or disability no longer exists, APA benefits shall be terminated.
425-4 B. DDS Disability Determination Service DETERMINATIONS
State-only decisions are subject to periodic review by the state. The DDS Disability Determination Service is the agency responsible for conducting these blindness and disability reviews. The frequency of state-only blindness or disability reviews is set by the DDS Disability Determination Service.
425-4 C. CHANGE IN SSA OR SSI Supplemental Security Income STATUS
An APA recipient may sometimes become ineligible for Social Security Disability or SSI Supplemental Security Income benefits. If an APA recipient is no longer eligible for SSI Supplemental Security Income or SSA disability for a reason other than a finding that blindness or disability no longer exists, continued eligibility for APA may exist. If the individual is otherwise eligible, the case worker must continue APA benefits and refer the client's case to the DDS Disability Determination Service for a new blindness or disability decision. This is necessary because SSA will no longer review the individual's disability determination, and there will be no eligibility for SSI Supplemental Security Income or SSA disability to form a basis for APA disability.
SSI Supplemental Security Income recipients who become ineligible for an SSI Supplemental Security Income payment because of excess income are put into SSI Supplemental Security Income nonpay status. Do not confuse nonpay status with the actual closure of an individual's SSI Supplemental Security Income case. It is not necessary to refer these individuals to the DDS Disability Determination Service unless the individual's SSI Supplemental Security Income claim is actually closed.