Eligibility for Interim Assistance does not convey automatic eligibility for either Medicaid or Chronic and Acute Medical Assistance (CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance).  However, there are certain circumstances in which medical assistance may be available to IAInterim Assistance applicants or recipients.  Each applicant for IA should also be examined for Medicaid eligibility.  If the applicant is not eligible for any type of Medicaid, they should be referred to the FFMFederal Facilitated Marketplace to see if they're eligible for a qualified health plan and tax credit.




The SSISupplemental Security Income application process for benefits based on disability or blindness includes a comprehensive evaluation of the applicant's physical or psychological condition.  In Alaska, these evaluations are performed by Disability Determination Service (DDSDisability Determination Service) of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.


DPADivision of Public Assistance will not authorize any Medicaid or CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance coverage for transportation, escorts, lodging, or examinations for any client whose disability or blindness is to be determined by the DDSDisability Determination Service .  The DDSDisability Determination Service sets up the entire exam process, pays all expenses, and bills the Social Security Administration for the cost of the examination.


Medicaid does pay for any necessary costs of getting a completed AD 2Preliminary Examination for Interim Assistance or AB 3Review Report on Aid to the Blind .  This examination is a Medicaid covered expense.  See Aged, Disabled, and Long Term Care Medicaid manual section 501 for instructions for issuing Medicaid authorizations for AD 2Preliminary Examination for Interim Assistance or AB 3Review Report on Aid to the Blind examinations.




Interim Assistance recipients may also qualify for Chronic and Acute Medical Assistance (CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance) services if all eligibility criteria for the CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance program are met, including the need for a CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance covered service.  See the CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance manual for CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance eligibility criteria.


The $280 Interim Assistance payment, which must be counted in the CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance eligibility determinations, is less than the $300 individual need standard for the CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance program; therefore, IAInterim Assistance recipients with no other income may be income-eligible for CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance .

If there is any other income available, the $280 IAInterim Assistance payment plus the other income may exceed the CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance need standard and eligibility for CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance may not exist.  Resources which exceed the $500 resource limit for the CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance program also preclude CAMAChronic and Acute Medical Assistance eligibility.




Interim Assistance recipients may qualify for MAGIModified Adjusted Gross Income Medicaid coverage while receiving Interim Assistance.  These individuals must meet the eligibility requirements for these Medicaid coverage categories as specified in the MAGIModified Adjusted Gross Income Medicaid Manual Section 816.




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