The EPSDT program is administered by the Division of Health Care Services in the Department of Health and Social Services.  The goal of the Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment ( EPSDT ) program is to improve the health status of children by assuring provision of preventive services and follow-through care.   EPSDT services are available to all Medicaid eligible individuals under the age of 21.  The focus of the EPSDT program is to ensure preventative care and treatment designed to:



The EPSDT program informs families of these benefits through frequent mailings and newsletters.


EPSDT is available to all persons under age 21 who are receiving, or who are eligible to receive Medicaid benefits; however, parental consent is required for the coverage of non-emancipated minors.


Screening covers:  physical and mental history, assessment of growth, development, physical defects, ear-nose and throat, cardiac, anemia, sickle cell, lead poisoning, tuberculosis, diabetes, infection, urinary disorders, nutrition, immunization, vision and hearing testing.


The recipient has an I.D. card or coupons to present to the health care provider.



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2008-01 (6/08)