Fee Agents help people in their community apply for public assistance. Fee Agents, although volunteering, receive a fee for each application and interview they help applicants complete and submit. Their role is to provide forms, interview the applicant (when the program requires one) to be sure all questions are answered on the application, and submit the required paperwork to the nearest DPADivision of Public Assistance office. The duties of a Fee Agent are limited by their contract to:



Refer to the Fee Agent Manual for more information on the Fee Agent's role.


No client is required to use a Fee Agent even if one is available in the community. If either the Fee Agent or an applicant feels there is some possibility of conflict of interest, the client is not required to go through a Fee Agent to apply for public assistance benefits. Most applicants welcome the help of a Fee Agent, but they can send their application directly to the district office. If the client or Fee Agent declines to do the Fee Agent interview, a caseworker in the DPADivision of Public Assistance office that serves the community will contact the applicant to conduct a telephone interview.


Fee Agents must have a signed contract (FA 33Fee Agent Provider Agreement) on file with DPADivision of Public Assistance and receive training before they can act as a Fee Agent. Each Fee Agent has a Fee Agent Manual to instruct them in the application and interview process.



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