The right to file a complaint provides individuals with the opportunity to have their concerns, which do not meet fair hearing criteria, to be heard and reviewed by a supervisor or manager. This right is available to all applicants and recipients of public assistance programs.


Clients must be informed of their right to file a complaint at anytime on any action or inaction taken by DPADivision of Public Assistance that they disagree with and is not covered through the fair hearing process.



Refer to Administrative Procedures MS 100-4 for procedure on handling Civil Rights complaints.


100-11 A.      COMPLAINT FORM


The Complaint Form (GEN 87Complaint Form) may be used by applicants and recipients to file a complaint. The GEN 87Complaint Form form must be located in the lobby area of each office and made available to all clients.


Any individual or household member who has concerns with any action or inaction taken by DPADivision of Public Assistance, which is not covered through the fair hearing process, may file a complaint. The complaint is a clear expression by the client or client's representative to have their concerns reviewed by a supervisor or manager.




Types of complaints from an applicant or recipient may include, but are not limited to, the following:


  1. They had a long wait to apply.
  2. The local office or Eligibility Technician was too difficult to see or reach via phone.
  3. A DPADivision of Public Assistance staff member(s) was rude, inconsiderate, or belligerent.
  4. DPADivision of Public Assistance lost their change report form, application, or other documents.
  5. DPADivision of Public Assistance failed to process their change report in a timely manner.
  6. The agency delayed or failed to issue benefits timely.
  7. The agency failed to provide proper information or provided misinformation.




DPADivision of Public Assistance staff must assist clients in submitting a complaint and process each complaint promptly.


Clients or their representatives may submit a complaint verbally or in writing. Written complaints may be submitted on the GEN 87Complaint Form form or any other piece of paper. Written complaints may be hand-delivered or mailed to any DPADivision of Public Assistance office.


If complaints are received by phone, staff must document the complaint by completing the GEN 87Complaint Form form for the client.


All complaints must be given to the Eligibility Technician IV or Eligibility Office Manager the same day they are received.


100-11 D.      COMPLAINT DATE


The date DPADivision of Public Assistance receives the complaint in any of its offices is the complaint date. The complaint must be date-stamped the same day it is received in the DPADivision of Public Assistance office.




A conference must be offered to the client promptly after the complaint is received. The conference must be conducted by a supervisor or manager. Details of the complaint must be documented on the GEN 88Complaint Results Form form.




  1. Review the GEN 87Complaint Form form and any other document the client submitted.
  2. Contact the client promptly upon receipt. Using the GEN 88Complaint Results Form form, document the issue, detail the event(s) leading to complaint, and the name of the employee(s) involved or familiar with issue.
  3. Contact employee(s) identified by the client for their insight on even(s).
  4. Review all facts and details gathered on complaint and identify and document the complaint resolution, including employee training needs, personnel action, and any other action taken.
  5. Notify the client of the finding(s) and action(s) taken.
  6. Once all steps are complete, send a copy of the GEN 87Complaint Form form and the GEN 88Complaint Results Form form to DOSTDivision Operations Support Team. The forms may be sent either via fax or email to DOSTDivision Operations Support Team at dpadost@alaska.gov.



If the supervisor or eligibility manager is unable to resolve the complaint, forward the complaint to the Field Service Manager for resolution. The steps above must be taken before forwarding complaint to the Field Service Manager.

If the Field Service Manager is unable to resolve the complaint, forward the complaint to the DOSTDivision Operations Support Team for resolution. Field Service Managers must ensure the steps above are taken before forwarding the complaint to DOSTDivision Operations Support Team.


  1. DOSTDivision Operations Support Team keeps track of complaints received statewide. Managers and supervisors can request the complaint information from DOSTDivision Operations Support Team when needed.




DOSTDivision Operations Support Team is responsible for tracking complaints statewide. This includes gathering all the complaints from all DPADivision of Public Assistance field offices, tracking and logging the complaints in one database, and maintaining and organizing copies of the complaint forms. All offices are responsible in ensuring that DOSTDivision Operations Support Team receives a copy of the GEN 87Complaint Form form and the GEN 88Complaint Results Form form.


DOSTDivision Operations Support Team Responsibilities:


  1. Date stamp the GEN 87Complaint Form form and GEN 88Complaint Results Form form upon receipt.
  2. Enter required information into the Field Services Customer Complaint Tracking Log located on the shared drive in the Field Services folder. The tracking log captures the following information:



  1. Once all information is entered, keep and maintain a file of all complaints received statewide.



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2021-03 (12/21)