The Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-in program has experienced significant growth since it began in April 1999. The administration of this program involves two divisions within the Department of Health:
The Division of Public Assistance is responsible for the eligibility determination and ongoing case maintenance, and
The Division of Health Care Services is responsible for the calculation and collection of premiums.
To ensure the integrity and efficiency of the program it is essential the two divisions work closely together. This addendum outlines procedures for:
Case numbering
Case registration, household size, school status, and income documentation
Checking for 1619B status
Process for paying premiums
Processing cases when the recipient is 45 Days past due paying premiums
Processing cases for recipients who are repeatedly late with payments
Communicating with DHCS
The DHCS uses the Working Disabled case number to document all unpaid premium balances. It is important that DPA staff use the following case numbering procedures:
Before registering a Working Disabled case number, conduct a full search of all Medicaid case numbers on the CLPM screen.
Register a Working Disabled case on a stand-alone Medicaid number. A regular APA /Medicaid case number should never be converted to a Working Disabled case number and vice versa.
In couple cases where both spouses are disabled, each spouse will have their own Working Disabled Medicaid case. The couples combined unearned income is compared to the APA need standard for an eligible couple in the second unearned income test.
Example 1: Mr. Smith is an APA /ME recipient. On May 2, Mr. Smith started a new job that placed him over income for APA cash and APA -Related Medicaid.
End the APA /ME case number effective May 31.
Register a Medicaid-only case number beginning June 1.
Authorize Working Disabled Medicaid on the new case number beginning June 1.
Notify DHCS via email at of the open Working Disabled Medicaid case name and number.
DHCS will review the CASS , MERI , and WODM screens to calculate the premium amount and send notice M901 - Working Disabled Medicaid-Premiums Due.
Example 2: On August 10, Mr. Smith is laid of from his job and his income is once again within the APA need standard.
End the Working Disabled case number August 31.
Register the former APA /ME case number with a benefit start date of September 1, and authorize September Medicaid benefits. The recipient will need to reapply for APA cash.
Notify DHCS at of the closed Working Disabled Medicaid case name and number.
DHCS will calculate the premium amount and send notice M901 - Working Disabled Medicaid-Premiums Due.
Example 3: On December 2, Mr. Smith finds a new job and once again goes over income for APA /Medicaid.
End the APA /ME case number December 31.
Register the former Working Disabled case number with a benefit start date of January 1, and authorize Working Disabled Medicaid.
Notify DHCS at of the open case name and number.
DHCS will calculate the premium amount and send notice M901 - Working Disabled Medicaid-Premiums Due.
To ensure the correct calculation of premiums, it is important to accurately document household size, the school status of all 18 and 19 year-old dependents, and the income of every household member in the Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-In case.
Register the spouse and all dependent household members to the Working Disabled Medicaid case number.
Complete a separate case note regarding the school status of all 18 and 19 year old status. Title the case note School Status.
It is also important to write clear case notes in the CANO regarding the household’s income.
On the CANO , breakdown the income of all household members.
Check the case to ensure that the income information is the same as what is documented on the CANO , CASS , and WODM screens.
It is important to review the 1619B list on Luminist titled HESDX30 under reports every month. An individual who is 1619B is eligible for regular Medicaid coverage.
Do not code an individual who is 1619B eligible as a Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-In case.
When completing an intake interview for the Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-In or when converting an APA Medicaid case, caseworkers must:
Check to see if there is a past Working Disabled case with past due premiums. If there are any outstanding premiums, Medicaid under this category cannot be established until all past premiums are paid.
Discuss the importance of paying all premiums timely with the client to ensure continuing eligibility.
Premiums should only be sent to the DHCS office. A DPA district office should not collect the premiums, but should tell recipients to always mail their premium payments directly to the DHCS office in Anchorage.
When a premium payment is 45 days past due, DHCS sends the recipient notice M904, Working Disabled - Premiums Overdue, and takes adverse action. The M904 is very specific and states that the case will close unless the payment is received by a specified date. A second adverse action notice is not necessary as the M904 is sufficient.
When the M904 is sent, DHCS e-mails the caseworker and explains that the recipient is 45 days past due and that the M904 was sent.
The caseworker accesses the WODM (Working Disabled Medicaid Authorization) screen for the next month to de-authorize the Medicaid benefits and document the action on CANO .
If the recipient pays the premium by the specified date or by the end of the month, DHCS e-mails the caseworker. The caseworker accesses the WODM to re-authorize the Medicaid benefits.
If the premium payment is not paid, the caseworker closes the case and documents the action on CANO .
Example 1: Mr. Brown is 45 days overdue on his Buy-In premium. On May 3, DHCS sends Mr. Brown the M904 notice requesting he pay his delinquent premiums by May 16, and emails the caseworker who:
On May 15, Mr. Brown delivers a check covering all delinquent premiums to the DHCS office. DHCS sends an e-mail to the caseworker stating that premiums are now paid. The caseworker:
Accesses June WODM screen and re-authorizes benefits.
Checks to make sure the auto-roll date is set.
Documents the action taken on CANO .
Example 2: Mr. Brown is 45 days overdue on his Buy-in premium. On May 3, DHCS sends Mr. Brown the M904 notice requesting he pay his premiums by May 16, and emails the caseworker. The caseworker:
Accesses the WODM screen for benefit month of June and de-authorizes benefits.
Documents the action taken on CANO .
Mr. Brown does not send in his premium payment by the due date or by the end of the May. The caseworker closes the case and documents the action on CANO .
The integrity of the Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-In program is dependent on the collection of premiums and keeping recipients accountable for their premium payments. Occasionally a recipient is repeatedly late and begins to accrue large overdue premium balances. In order to encourage the timely payment of premiums the procedures listed below will be enforced.
First and Second 45-Day Notices: When a premium payment is made at the beginning of the month following the 45-day notice:
The payment is accepted.
Medicaid is reopened.
DHCS sends a reminder to the recipient explaining the importance of paying premiums timely. After the second 45-day notice, a stronger reminder is sent stating that Medicaid coverage will end for failure to pay premiums on time.
Third 45-Day Notice: If the premium payment is not made by the end of the month:
The case remains closed.
The recipient needs to reapply with a new GEN 50C application.
It is the responsibility of the DPA caseworker to contact DHCS at to report the following changes and information:
All address and phone changes as reported by the client
All income changes after updating the WODM screen
Closures for any reason, including auto-closures for failure to review
Any new Working Disabled Buy-In case name and number