

Notice Title



Rights and Choices for Waiver Recipients

When authorizing Medicaid with waiver services or converting an individual from regular Medicaid coverage to waiver services.  This notice tells the recipient that he or she should contact the care coordinator or waiver managing agency if there are problems or concerns with service providers, etc.


MQT Trust Referral

When denying a Medicaid application due to excess income.  It informs the applicant that Medicaid coverage may be available through use of a Qualifying Income Trust.  It refers the denied applicant to contact Alaska Legal Services or the Alaska Bar Association if he or she wishes to investigate use of a trust.


No Cost of Care Due

It is important to send this notice on LTC, HCB Waiver and all Nursing Home cases that currently do not have a COC liability.  This notice informs the recipient about COC, that the current obligation is zero, but in the future there may be an obligation.  This way if there is ever a spike in monthly income, the agency can assess a COC liability for that month the income was received.


Notice to Transfer Resources to Spouse

To inform a new Medicaid recipient that he or she has one year to transfer any resources above $2000 to his or her community spouse before the next renewal date.  Failure to send this notice may result in the new recipient not completing the transfer(s) and becoming resource ineligible at the annual review.


Application for Other Benefits

When an individual appears to be eligible for a benefit from another program.


Request for Social Security Number

When Social Security enumeration is required by the Medicaid program.


Medicare Benefits Available

When an applicant or recipient appears to be eligible for Medicare, the individual is required to enroll by the Medicaid program.


Long Term Care Caseworker Introduction

When a case is transferred from a regular Medicaid caseworker to a new caseworker due to application for the HCB Waiver program or admission to an LTC facility.


Child Support Cooperation Statement

When requesting cooperation with CSSD activities.


Child Support -

Good Cause  Allowed

When a good cause determination IS allowed from cooperating with CSSD.


Child Support - Good Cause Not Allowed

When a good cause determination is NOT allowed from cooperating with CSSD.


Medicaid Approved - One Month Only

When an individual is only eligible for Medicaid during the application month.


Medicaid Application Approved

When approving a Medicaid-only case.


Retroactive Medicaid Approved

When applicant is Medicaid eligible in one of three months preceding month of application.


Emergency Medical Treatment Approved

For approving emergency coverage for aliens.



 Medicaid Approved QMB coverage

For approving QMB coverage to pay for Medicare Part A and Part B premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance.


Special Medicaid Coupon

When a disability exam or a waiver determination is needed.


Medicaid Approval Waiver Services

For approving LTC Medicaid.  Explains that eligibility has been met due to being found eligible for HCB Waiver services.


Specified Low Income Medicare Benefit

For approving SLMB coverage to pay for Medicare Part B premiums.


Medicaid Approved 2nd Month

When Medicaid eligibility begins in the 2nd month of application.


Working Disabled Medicaid Approved

For approving Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-In.  Informs the individual that they may have to pay a monthly premium.


Back-Dated Medicaid Approved

When an individual receives a finding of disability and Medicaid is approved for prior months.


Cost of Care / LTC Facility

Cost of Care (COC) requires adverse action.  Send to Medicaid recipients residing in a LTC facility who are assessed a COC.  Send a copy of the notice to the facility attention: Patient Billing.


Medicaid Approved LTC Facility

 When approving Medicaid for a resident of a LTC facility.


CCMC Waiver Svcs Approved Child on DKC

When approving CCMC Waiver Medicaid for a child who is receiving DKC and does not have a disability determination from DDS.  The notice informs the parent(s) that the waiver can be approved due to DKC eligibility, and encourages the parents to complete all paperwork so a DDS determination can be made.


CCMC Waiver Services Approved

When approving Medicaid with CCMC Waiver services for a child who already has an approved State-only Disability Determination or is receiving SSI.  


IDD Waiver Svcs Approved Child on DKC

When approving Medicaid with IDD Waiver services for a child who is receiving DKC and does not have a disability determination from DDS.  The notice informs the parent(s) that the waiver can be approved due to DKC eligibility, and encourages the parents to complete all paperwork so a DDS determination can be made.


RPTC Waiver Approved - Disabled Child

When approving a disabled child's eligibility for home and community-based waiver services under the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder/Residential Psychiatric Treatment Center Medicaid Demonstration Project.


RPTC Waiver Approved - FM/DKC Child

When approving a child's eligibility for home and community-based waiver services under the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder/Residential Psychiatric Treatment Center Medicaid Demonstration Project.


Cost of Care / Waiver

When an HCB Waiver recipient has a COC liability assessed.  It instructs the recipient to work with his or her care coordinator in determining which service providers to pay directly.  A copy of the notice should be sent to the Trustee and the care coordinator.


APDD Waiver Services Approved

When approving Medicaid with APDD Waiver services.  This includes new applications and case conversions from regular APA Medicaid.


IDD Waiver Services Approved

When approving Medicaid with IDD Waiver services.  This includes new applications, conversions from regular APA Medicaid, and SSI children approved for Waiver Services.


ALI (Formerly known as ODA)Waiver Services Approved

When approving Medicaid with ALI Waiver services.  This includes new applications and case conversions from regular APA Medicaid.


Breast/Cervical Cancer Medicaid Approved

For approving Breast/Cervical Cancer Medicaid.  Informs client that coverage will continue until treatment for cancer is completed.


APA Medicaid Qualified Income Trust

When approving APA Related Medicaid due to the establishment of a Qualifying Income Trust.  


Medicaid Special Needs or Pooled Trust

When any category of Medicaid is approved due to the establishment of a Special Needs or Pooled Asset Trust that has been approved by the Medicaid Policy officer.


Medicaid Trust Information LTC

For all LTC Medicaid recipients who have an established Qualifying Income Trust.  Send a copy of the notice to the trustee(s).  A copy of this notice should be sent with every renewal and whenever there is a change in trustee.


Special Needs or Pooled Trust Info

For all Medicaid recipients who have an established Special Needs or Pooled Trust.  Send a copy of the notice to the trustee and/or guardian. A copy of this notice should be sent with every renewal and whenever there is a change in trustee.  


Miller Trust Information

For all Medicaid recipients who have established a QIT in order to qualify for regular APA Medicaid.  Send a copy of the notice to the trustee.  A copy of this notice should be sent with every renewal and whenever there is a change in trustee.


Medicaid Denied Application Process

When applicant does not show up for appointment, or reschedule an appointment.


Medicaid Denied Failure To Provide

When applicant does not provide requested information needed to determine eligibility.


Medicaid Denied - Citizenship/Identity

When an applicant does not respond to the request for, or provide proof of citizenship or identity.


Medicaid Denied Over Income

When applicant is not Medicaid eligible due to having too much income.


Medicaid Denied Over Resource

When applicant is not Medicaid eligible due to being over the resource level.


Medicaid Denied Other Reasons

When application is denied for other reasons (e.g., nonresident, request to withdraw application, receipt of benefits from another state, loss of contact).


Medicaid Denied - No Eligible Category

When applicant does not fit into any Medicaid eligibility category.


Medicaid Denied - Excess Home Equity

When an applicant is not eligible for Medicaid LTC services because the individual's home equity value is more than $500,000.


Retroactive Medicaid Denied

When applicant is not eligible in any of the three months preceding the month of application.


Medicaid Pended Information Needed.

When information is needed from a new application to determine eligibility.


Medicaid Held for a Disability Decision

When a DDS decision is needed in order to establish eligibility.  It informs the applicant that their Medicaid application being held until the decision is received.  


Incomplete Medicaid Review Info Needed

To request information needed from a review.


Retro-Med Pended Information Needed

To request information needed to determine Medicaid eligible for any of the three months prior to month of application.


Pend New Waiver Application

When a new waiver application is received.  It provides DSDS contact information and provides a free form area to request other information.  


Medicaid Residency Information Needed

When Alaska residency is questionable.


Medicaid Pended - Citizen/ID Needed

When an application is received and proof of citizenship/identity is needed.


Medicaid - Citizenship/ID Proof Needed

For renewals or reminders when citizenship/identity is needed.


Medicaid - SLMB Information Needed

For requesting information from Medicaid applicants so that an eligibility determination may be made for the Special Low Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB and SLMB Plus) categories


Information Needed TEFRA

When pending a new TEFRA application.  It requests information that is specific to the TEFRA Medicaid category.  


Pend Waiver Start - Child on DKC

When pending a new waiver application for a child receiving DKC, Family Medicaid, or Under 21 Medicaid.



Disabled Child Denied DKC

For a TEFRA referral when a DKC case has been denied.


RPTC Waiver: Info needed - FM/DKC Child

When additional information is needed to determine a child's eligibility for home and community-based waiver services under the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder / Residential Psychiatric Treatment Center Medicaid Demonstration Project.


Request Medical Insurance Information

When additional medical insurance exists and information is needed.


Waiver and/or DDS Approval Needed

For Special LTC Category applicants who require DSDS waiver approval and DDS approval.  It informs the applicant that their application is being processed and some of the eligibility factors are dependent on decisions from other agencies.


Medicaid Closed Failure to Provide

When client has not provided requested information needed to determine eligibility.


Failure to Complete Medicaid Review

Notifying recipient that case is closed due to no review received.


Medicaid Closed Over Income

When countable income causes ineligibility - for timely notice of case closure.


Medicaid Closed Over Resource

When countable resources causes ineligibility - for timely notice of case closure.


Medicaid Review Received Case Closed

When closing Medicaid from a review for reasons that result in ineligibility.


Medicaid Closes Other Reasons

When closing Medicaid for other reasons that result in ineligibility.


Medicaid Closed - Excess Home Equity

When a recipient is not eligible for Medicaid LTC services because the individual's home equity value is more than $500,000.


Medicaid Stops Client Deceased

When recipient dies.  State and Federal regulations require that we notify the family or estate of a deceased client whenever benefits stop.


Breast/Cervical Cancer Medicaid Closure

For timely notice of case closure.  Gives reason case is closing.


Refused Other Possible Benefits

When individual does not comply with Development of Income requirements.


Erroneous Discontinuance

When benefits are resumed after closing in error.


Fair Hearing Request Benefits Continue

When a recipient requests continued benefits while awaiting a fair hearing decision.  This notice informs the recipient that he or she will be responsible to repay the cost of benefits paid by Medicaid if the decision is not in their favor.


Medicaid Suspended

To suspend Medicaid for one-month only if the client appears to be prospectively eligible after that month.


Medicaid Benefits Change

When there is a change in the Medicaid category or waiver services.


Change to Working Disabled Medicaid

When Working Disabled Buy-In eligibility is found upon ineligibility from another Medicaid category


Med Benefits Stopped - CSSD


When a penalty is placed on a caretaker relative for noncooperation with CSSD.


Medicare Drug Coverage Begins

When a Medicaid applicant has Medicare, and when a recipient becomes eligible for Medicare.


Cost of Care Change

Whenever there is a change in the COC obligation.  


Long Term Care Ends Medicaid Continues

When Level-of-Care has been denied and ends HCB Waiver services but the recipient continues to be eligible for another Medicaid category.  It informs the recipient that regular Medicaid coverage will continue and that he or she will have a new caseworker.


Excess Home Equity - Medicaid Changes

When LTC coverage ends due to the recipients home equity value is in excess of $500,000 and eligibility exists for other Medicaid coverage.


Waiver Closed Living in LTC Facility

When a waiver services end because a recipient enters a LTC facility.


Pend Waiver Application AP Med to Waiver

When a regular APA Medicaid recipient is pursuing HCB waiver services.  It requests the additional items needed for waiver services.  


Medicaid Transfer of Asset Declaration

For APA Medicaid recipients who are pursuing HCB Waiver services. This is a notice version of the MED 3.


Waiver Services Denied - Medicaid Cont.

When an application for HCB Waiver services is denied, but the recipient continues to be eligible for another medicaid category. It informs the recipient that regular Medicaid coverage will continue and that he or she will have a new caseworker.


Medicaid Review Due

When a system generated review is not automatically sent.


Medicaid Review Approved

For approving continued Medicaid benefits.


SLMB Medicare Review Approved

For approving SLMB review.  Informs recipient that Medicaid will continue to pay for their Medicare Part B premiums.


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MC #30 (07/13)