The Heating Assistance Programs (HAPHeating Assistance Program) are designed to promote the general welfare and safeguard the health and well-being of Alaska's population by offsetting the cost of home heating for eligible Alaskan residents. Two programs are administered to support this mission. They are:


HAPHeating Assistance Program provides the financial assistance to help low-income households pay home heating costs by:


LIHEAPLow Income Home Energy Assistance Program is available to households with incom3000 Introductions and Definitionse at or below 150% of the federal poverty income guidelines for Alaska. LIHEAPLow Income Home Energy Assistance Program is funded by the federal government through the LIHEAPLow Income Home Energy Assistance Program block grant, which is administered by the U.S.United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACFAdministration for Children and Families), Office of Community Services (OCSOffice of Community Services), and Division of Energy Assistance (DEADivision of Energy Assistance). In Alaska, LIHEAPLow Income Home Energy Assistance Program funds are administered by the Department of Health (DOHDepartment of Health), Division of Public Assistance (DPADivision of Public Assistance), and, in some areas, by tribal organizations under the authority of Title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35). Federal statute can be found at 42 U.S.C. §8621-8630 (2008). Regulations governing LIHEAPLow Income Home Energy Assistance Program are in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFRCode of Federal Regulations) at:

Title: 45 Public Welfare

Subtitle B of the Energy Policy Act of 2005

Chapter: Part 96 (Block Grants)

Subchapter: H (LIHEAPLow Income Home Energy Assistance Program) and A-F of the HHSHealth and Human Services Block Grant Regulations


Each state is responsible for implementing and administering these regulations.


The LIHEAPLow Income Home Energy Assistance Program is authorized under Alaska Administrative Code (state regulations) at 7 AAC 44.010 – 7 AAC 44.090.


This manual contains policies for state-administered HAPHeating Assistance Program only. Tribal organizations who administer LIHEAPLow Income Home Energy Assistance Program may choose to follow the HAPHeating Assistance Program policies and procedures, but are not required to do so.




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2023-02 (09/23)